CF SO Cal Regional

Well, there's already guys sleeping with guys, how can it get any worse than that?

SOB there TT,did you have to remind us :cussing: could of went the rest of the day without hearing that.

And i was having such a nice day,no problems,Heart Attack is resting peacefully in the garage,the weather is nice outside. And then this :skeptic:

I didn't know about the man on man thing. How did TT know???????:confused2:
Well, there's already guys sleeping with guys, how can it get any worse than that?

SOB there TT,did you have to remind us :cussing: could of went the rest of the day without hearing that.

And i was having such a nice day,no problems,Heart Attack is resting peacefully in the garage,the weather is nice outside. And then this :skeptic:

I didn't know about the man on man thing. How did TT know???????:confused2:

It's most mens natural instinct to detect it. You might want to watch your back door...
Well, there's already guys sleeping with guys, how can it get any worse than that?

SOB there TT,did you have to remind us :cussing: could of went the rest of the day without hearing that.

And i was having such a nice day,no problems,Heart Attack is resting peacefully in the garage,the weather is nice outside. And then this :skeptic:

I didn't know about the man on man thing. How did TT know???????:confused2:

It's most mens natural instinct to detect it. You might want to watch your back door...

Yea, the ole don't drop the soap thing................
Ahh yes, prison shower soap retrieval, a dirty job indeed.

It ain't no joke.....I been in the MAX wards in with the inmates of the following joints....

ABQ, New Mex....

and many other garden spots.....but I had a get outta jail FREE card....whole stack of them.....

them guys ain't funny, not one.....take them out back and shoot them save us all a ton of money....

Gonna take a while to find my way around here.:crap:

Pat...they just locked two more of our threads at CF...we discussed this tonight at the Renegade of the CF moderators said to us in a private E-mail he is taking up our situation with CF Corporate...ha ha..

Hang tight...about five are here but rest are hanging fire to see what CF's next move is...maybe a few days...

Will,Ron,Rich Goodman,and Chadd have registered here..

These are the threads they locked:

In addition..they deleted the one where we called out the moderators...all of us took pot shots together...:censored:
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I have been reading all your thread links to your old haunt,and all i can say is you guy's know how to have fun :bounce:
Make sure to open a clubhouse here so we can all see your pic's and the fun.
Wish i could afford to come out there more than once a year and hang with you guys,my trip out for the Bird run II was a blast.
Keep up the CRUZ'N :drink:
We Do have fun..and that is what it's all bad CF does not see it that way...and is all good natured name calling,cussing,Etc..

Corporate(CF) is now involved...think they are reluctant to ban 20 guys...??? Ha Ha..

I'll post e-mail we got from a moderator in a few...
We Do have fun..and that is what it's all bad CF does not see it that way...and is all good natured name calling,cussing,Etc..

Corporate(CF) is now involved...think they are reluctant to ban 20 guys...??? Ha Ha..

I'll post e-mail we got from a moderator in a few...

I did not see anything wrong in any of the threads,nothing to get locked down over. But then again i did not see any reason for them to perma band me for using a diffrent internet connection because my sattelite was down,they accused me of using diffrent ID's well no duh,had to use another source till the other was fixed,i used my sprint wireless card till the home link was fixed.
I did not see anything wrong in any of the threads,nothing to get locked down over. But then again i did not see any reason for them to perma band me for using a diffrent internet connection because my sattelite was down,

just post something about LEDs, floormats, stereo and subwoofer systems, spark plug wires and they'll love you .....
Or if you want to get really crazy, just post info that's 100% WRONG or makes your car dangerous- they love that too over at CF.
Floor mat's,cup holders,and wrong info :eek: oh my.
I would fit right in,maybe they will make me the resident know it all :push: or maybe a Moderator :footmouth:
I see star's in my future,lot's and lot's of pretty star's.
BRUTAL64;17455quote said:
What's the world coming too? Vettes and Cobras together-next there'll be cats sleeping with dogs.:twitch:

.........One of our Dogs a our Cat sleep together...than again sometimes I think the whole house is :nuts:

My Moms parote and her 135 lb German Shepard slept together. When the cat would try and sneak up on the parote the dog would pick up the cat by the back of the neck and fling it across the room. The Cat never got hurt by the dog, he was always careful. :cool: