Alrighty then

Wayne, love the shot of the wife in the 2 piece :thumbs: you know if you could get the wife to do proffesional model stuff,you could buy a whole fleet of vettes :D

Any of her sisters available yet?????????? :fishing:
Wayne, love the shot of the wife in the 2 piece :thumbs: you know if you could get the wife to do proffesional model stuff,you could buy a whole fleet of vettes :D

Any of her sisters available yet?????????? :fishing:

Thanks mate. We had planned to take some more pics on Thursday morning but the neighbours who aren't normally there, were there all day and Christine didn't want to pose with them looking on - doesn't mind thousands of online people viewing her but doesn't want the neighbour to see?!?! Oh well, I wasn't going to push her.

She went out Thursday evening for a hen's night out and didn't get home until around 1am ish, after about 6 hours of Jack Daniels. When she got home, she asked if I wanted to take some pics then, so I said yes. She looked at them on Friday morning and wasn't really happy with any of them as she said she looked a mess in the pics. She finally consented to me posting a couple, so long as I mentioned that she was a teensy bit drunk and her makeup was a mess...

I'd love her to do some professional modelling but she'd just laugh if I suggested it :bonkers:

Oh, no sisters available yet. Sorry.
Naturally beautiful......

My sis was at a party some decades ago, where one of the guests was none other than Liz Taylor, sis said the whole room just froze when Liz walked in....sis was jealous as was every other chick in the room.....

who did that tile work ? the transition between the two shapes is horrible....

While I was looking at the tile transition I did notice that I own very similar style black pants (trousers?).

Like peeking through the mail slot of course
Pretty much. Most Western women don't bother with the face veil but all the Arab women do (read - have to). Some of them have the most stunning eyes though.

We were in town the other night when some bearded freak walked past Christine and told her to cover her hair! As you know, a woman with her hair exposed is a serious sin - wanker. He chose not to reply to me when I told him to stuff it up his fat arse :cussing:

who did that tile work ? the transition between the two shapes is horrible....
More than likely a 3rd World national who's qualified at mowing grass or picking up rubbish or something

While I was looking at the tile transition I did notice that I own very similar style black pants (trousers?).
Ahhh but do you look as good without the trousers? Was it you that I saw a pic of at DC (I think) wearing a crazy red wig and just your underpants :bounce:
Do you pack heat when you are in town on a Walk About? :amazed:
No, but I'd seriously like to. It's not as bad here as the media would like us to believe. Still got to be aware of what's going on around you and think smart but it's not exactly Taliban country with AK toting beardies wherever you go...