1981 Dealer Promo model...


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2010
I finally got one off the bay in silver for a very decent price. Supposedly silver is very hard to come by..the last one I inquired about was close to a $100 bucks. I even got the original box with it for under $40. If it was a deal or not, I am happy anyways.


ToddG :trumpet:
Someone gave one of those about 12 years ago. It's red. I tried to give the guy some money, even then I knew it was worth some bucks but the guy didn't care. Still have it. Somewhere.
NICE. MY C3 was silver, so I'm biased. Looks great!!!
I had one of those promo models when I was a kid. C-2 go-kart. Like a 62 0r 63 body on a go-kart frame- from Chevrolet. Sold it for $400 in 1971. Now, I'm kickin' my azz