Funny story


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
33 years ago - I was living in South Jersey, recently having relocated from Jackson Heights, Queens, NYC....

The Son of Sam came on the scene in New York. He was the one who snuck up on young couples in their cars at the local make-out spots and shot them with a .45 caliber hand gun. He later said that the dogs told him to do it, if I remember correctly.

My roommate was also from my old neighborhood. His two brothers, Mike and Danny and two friends, Alex and Mark came down from Astoria, Queens, NYC one weekend for a "visit". A week later, when they were still there and I was wondering if they were going to get fired from their jobs back home, I realized that they were afraid to go back to Astoria because of the Son of Sam serial killings. These were a bunch of tough street guys but they had no desire to be anywhere around the killing grounds. Well anyway - like I said - a week went by and Mike & Danny have run out of clean clothes, so they decide a visit home to Mom's house is in order. Mom will do their laundry for them.
While back in Astoria Mike takes me on a drinking binge that was quite memorable, but that is another story. After the drunken weekend passes we all go back down to South Jersey where it is safe. The next day Mike, Danny, Alex & Mark are walking around the apartment knocking their knees together, squirming and pulling at their pants legs, generally uncomfortable and itching like mad. In a fit of desperation Mike gets on the telephone and makes a call to his dear old Mum back in Astoria and asks her "Mom, did you wash those fiberglass curtains again?" to which she must have replied yes because Mike started throwing a fit and yelling at his poor old Mum that he "Told her not to do that any more!" Apparently she washed all of their clothes in the same machine that she washed the curtains in and got everything loaded with fiberglass.....:mobeer:
I bet odds I have had THE weirdest life of anyone here on this forum....nothing .mil related, but just the accumulation of off the wall shit, over 60 cognitive years....some daze I get fullosoapickal and wonder WTF???

and silly that I can't remember all the crap, maybe because it's so far out watching that outer space light over what had to be Northern Virginia....super brignt blue white light, and NOT moving...for over 15 minits...

I had parked my '60 vette on roadside so was standing still on the way to a hot date, but this shit caught my I pulled over and parked, sighted it over the pass window did NOT move....bright as shit....go figger...
I dunno...

My factory uses tons of fiberglass cloth to coat both sides of the product. Every inch of the 800 foot line is full of FG shards making any maintenance work a nightmare. But yet, we earn a crust....:rolleyes:
I get itchy just thinking about it..........fiberglass curtains? don't think I ever heard of them before.

They had a fiberglass cloth backing. I guess they were supposed to be fire resistant or something?

Found this:

Fiberglass curtains shine like silk, but are much more durable and maintenance free, as well as being fire retardant. The only problem is, they can make your skin itch if you don’t handle them with caution. I read this somewhere while researching the History of Fiberglass Curtains in America:

“When fiberglass curtains first came out, many people with skin conditions were diagnosed with delusions of parasitosis. But studies showed these patients actually had tiny glass particles imbedded in their skin.”

Don’t wash them — that releases shards into your washer tub which are nearly impossible to get rid of.
I remember when I was a kid, my mother took down some fiberglass curtains in our house. She didn't like them and was going to throw them away. I used them and a quart of boat resin to patch up the rusted out floor boards in my 66 Mustang.
I remember when I was a kid, my mother took down some fiberglass curtains in our house. She didn't like them and was going to throw them away. I used them and a quart of boat resin to patch up the rusted out floor boards in my 66 Mustang.

That's pretty ingenious. How did it hold?
I remember when I was a kid, my mother took down some fiberglass curtains in our house. She didn't like them and was going to throw them away. I used them and a quart of boat resin to patch up the rusted out floor boards in my 66 Mustang.

That's funny as hell.

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