Paint with flakes....(bling)


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
Needed to practice a little and decided to paint my welding helmet. I guess my masking technique can be improved as well as the overall design.... looks a little like a cheap imitation of a superhero ... maybe I should add eyes... LOL

Anyways, this was fun....

Looks like dandruff to me.....


now it's fine if you can tone down the color a tad....

Reminds me of a freeking BEAUTIFUL vette I saw decades ago....

metal flake BLACK, with silver and BRONZE/COPPER flakes in the paint....

THAT SOB showed just wonderful and in the sunlight has more flip/flops than a poly tick ian.....

With metal flake on the right car is it stunning. ON the wrong car looks like a cheap amusement part ride.

I like metal flake on C3s..
Look on the bright side. Nobody is going to steal it!



PS: I do the same thing when I'm bored. Just never thought about flakes. Hummm.....
I like metal flake on C3s..

Then I guess you like my '79.... when I painted it I did not really see the flakes that I added... so I added more.... then when I got the car outside in direct sunlight :eek::eek::eek::eek:

well, too much of anything....there are limits.

I saw a C2 that was silver with black coves. The coves had just a little bit of metal flake in it. You had to look closely at it to see it, but in the right light it was sharp...