Muncie rebuild, slinger question.

Garys 68

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2008
I've rebuilt a few Muncies but this one is the first without a slinger between the bearing and input shaft gear (64/65 #325 case). I've found out early Muncies didnt have one.
The distance between the 3 & 4 syncros is noticable more than the 1 & 2 syncros. Maybe 20 thousanths....about the thickness of a slinger.
Is there anything to worry about? Or should I drive it and not worry unless it jumps out of gear?
I've rebuilt a few Muncies but this one is the first without a slinger between the bearing and input shaft gear (64/65 #325 case). I've found out early Muncies didnt have one.
The distance between the 3 & 4 syncros is noticable more than the 1 & 2 syncros. Maybe 20 thousanths....about the thickness of a slinger.
Is there anything to worry about? Or should I drive it and not worry unless it jumps out of gear?

Slinger ? What's that ?
Anyone? My bell housing is coming in today, so I'm about to bolt things up.
Are there any shims or nothing? Usually there's a slinger and a shim. I would just intall a slinger, why leave it out now?
Apparently the 64 and 65 cases never had a slinger and the rebuild kit did not include one. The guy who sold me the rebuild kit said not to put one in. I think he thought I wouldnt check the input shaft/mainshaft clearance.
So now I'm at the point if I should disasssemble and add it or just try it as is.
The input shaft bearing nut acts as a oil slinger inside the front outer bearing retainer. Thats why its so thin and shaped like it is. Some Muncies had sheet metal slingers riveted onto the input gear and many times the rivets loosen and the thing is tearing the case apart I remove them during my rebuilds.
I'll run it as is. If there are issues, it's not that hard to remove.