What should I do for a career


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
I need to start thinking about this

I kind of would like to do something that has to with automotives, not a mechanic or anything though
I need to start thinking about this

I kind of would like to do something that has to with automotives, not a mechanic or anything though

GM design school. I had the chance when I was your age, and declined, because I did not want to move to Detroit.:bonkers: (Big regret)
I need to start thinking about this

I kind of would like to do something that has to with automotives, not a mechanic or anything though

OK, I tell you same as I told my kids....first you get a Goddamned degree in basket weaving if necessary, with a minor in poly glot.....

then you get some job experience where they LOVE YOU, then start your .GOV job search...

today, assuming you are squeekey clean and no 'candy' problems, you can be easily picked up by LEO agencies from locals to FEDS.....

it's guaranfreeking TEED employment with livable benefits, and decent enough retirements SO FAR......

the ONLY other way is know of is to find some STABLE job at like that Miller Brewing Plant on the south freeway in FW Tx. my buddy been at since '72 or so, ready to retire now.....UNION ALL THE WAY....but thing is plants like that hire only part time now, foreign owned/chartered.....and so the benes he is getting are not for new hires.....

forget the auto companies, without a UNION your ass is outta there at the 20 years mark, and I seen THAT happen with ALL jobs in ALL industries that were NOT UNION OR .GOV one of the two....

NOW, IF you can get lucky and buy some land, build a SIN STORE, near some development, fat chance, them lawyers and developers WAY in hell ahead of you....you can open that sin store, and tend register all day .....
eventually you can own 1/2 the city block off it, then collect coupons....

NOW the daze of a olde tyme seriously connected Mafia front man who invested in real estate for the mob in the Wash DC area are far far gone too....don't ask, I knew some one once upon a time....

Like I tell my kids, i'ts college, .GOV or die.....

Get a BS in Mechanical Engineering. :thumbs:

I used to agree with you and was really seriously wanting a engineering degree myself...lets call it my lousey in math, then family pressures....so I never gradded college...HUGE mistake on my part....

I have a very weird background in that being a child of the Wash DC burbs, born in '44 and spent 53 years in that town, except ONE in FW Tx. my buddy there dates from HS daze yet....make that '60 or so....

It was a very middle class but isolated background, but the proximity to the Nation's Cap made the life rather strange, compared to the rest of the country....

I was employed with some serious engineers once for some 5 years, and so that ended my beloved electronics career....forgetaboutit....

even the ME that worked there wound up on the outside doing consult work at age 45 or so....tough life....

at that point it's all INDIVIDUAL SALES on major projects not just punching a cash register...so if you loose ONE contract/job...you starve for a while...


If you really love working on car stay the hell away form them for your career. It WILL kill your love for working on your own stuff.

I went to school and became a technician. After a couple years I didn't want to work on my own stuff. Didn't have any time to if I wanted to anyways between working in the dealer all day and starting up a transmission shop at night and on the weekends. After awhile I got a call from a company that writes service manuals offering me a job. I took it and sold the shop. Now I am going back to school part time to get my RN. Good money, like the work, and I enjoy working on cars again.

Look into it you might like it and there are allot of good paying jobs everywhere.
If you really love working on car stay the hell away form them for your career. It WILL kill your love for working on your own stuff.

I went to school and became a technician. After a couple years I didn't want to work on my own stuff. Didn't have any time to if I wanted to anyways between working in the dealer all day and starting up a transmission shop at night and on the weekends. After awhile I got a call from a company that writes service manuals offering me a job. I took it and sold the shop. Now I am going back to school part time to get my RN. Good money, like the work, and I enjoy working on cars again.

Look into it you might like it and there are allot of good paying jobs everywhere.

Interesting about that RN career comment, as I have a buddy of some years ago, who was a industrial welder....we rebuilt his twin 305 chebby fixed prop 28' Chris Craft....anyway, he gave it all up and went into nursing school, to get his RN....none of us have heard from him in some 4+ years now...

but one way or another, medical is going to be .gov related in the near future...damn nearly is now, really VERY secure.....

Yeah I'm planning on going to college

With my current GPA and SAT scores I can get a 75% scholarship
definitely go to college... nowadays everyone has a degree..... without one you can end up flipping burger patties at a fast food chain....:eek:
I kind of want to go up north and attempt to play junior hockey

I think I'll go to Community college (which is 100% paid for if I maintain GPA through out) for a year and play the hockey I'm doing now, and then when I'm too old I can play junior hockey which is 21 and under. I figure I miles well wile I'm young
definitely go to college... nowadays everyone has a degree..... without one you can end up flipping burger patties at a fast food chain....:eek:

there was a guy on TV yesterday from the (I think) American Enterprise Institute that said for most kids College is a waste of time and money.....He said Engineering degrees are good but degrees in sociology are a waste (my daughter just graduated with a degree in sociology.....and can`t find a job. I recently talked to a young guy who graduated with a degree in graphic arts, he did an internship with a pro hockey team in Ohio, did an excellent job, set up their computers wrote his own job description but when it came time to actually hire the guy who thought he had a "lock" on the job they gave it to the nephew of someone high up in the company......He has applied for over 700 jobs and only had 6 interviews, he works mornings stocking shelves at Menards and ONLY got that job because (after applying 5 times) he was in the store and saw a family friend who is a manager....at his orientation his instructor asked "who do you know that got you this job"? it appears you NEED to know someone to get a low paying job at Menards....the local grocery store has a sign in the window "starting pay $8.50, this guy said "I don`t make that much"........