C3 myths

Mine is faster than THIS F14.....proof...

In a C3, you will hear no wind noise and you will have a QUIET, peaceful journey.:bonkers:

Yeh, I don't even hear that 18 wheeler next to me at 80 mph...and that's with the TOP DOWN??? can you hear me now???


another one is.....It's just a chebby, all the parts interchange.....don't they???

I was talking with a guy at a car show. This is how the convo went.

Him: "Looks like you are working on it, it looks good, how did you get centerbolt valve covers to work on this car?"
Me: "They are for Vortec heads..."
Him: "Oh, ok"
Me: (long awkward pause) "So.....you into corvettes?"
Him: "Yeah, I used to own one, an '85"
Me: "Oh really, nice, I kinda like the C4's they get a bad rap because some of them were slow but they handled good and were decently fast."
Him: "Yeah, it was all right, it wouldn't spin the tires but what do you expect out of a V-6?"
Me: "V-6?????"
Him: "Yeah, it was just a base model with the little V-6, nothing special."
Me: "Uhhhh, their has NEVER been a V-6 in a corvette from the factory."
Him: "Yeah there was, they did it in '84 and '85, but they didn't sell too well so they shit-canned the V-6."
Me: "Uh....ok....well.......I've got to go.....uh....over there, see ya 'round.":confused::confused:
I was talking with a guy at a car show. This is how the convo went.

Him: "Looks like you are working on it, it looks good, how did you get centerbolt valve covers to work on this car?"
Me: "They are for Vortec heads..."
Him: "Oh, ok"
Me: (long awkward pause) "So.....you into corvettes?"
Him: "Yeah, I used to own one, an '85"
Me: "Oh really, nice, I kinda like the C4's they get a bad rap because some of them were slow but they handled good and were decently fast."
Him: "Yeah, it was all right, it wouldn't spin the tires but what do you expect out of a V-6?"
Me: "V-6?????"
Him: "Yeah, it was just a base model with the little V-6, nothing special."
Me: "Uhhhh, their has NEVER been a V-6 in a corvette from the factory."
Him: "Yeah there was, they did it in '84 and '85, but they didn't sell too well so they shit-canned the V-6."
Me: "Uh....ok....well.......I've got to go.....uh....over there, see ya 'round.":confused::confused:

Nah, no way, U serious??

You can fit 2 sets of golf clubs in the trunk of a '70.

C3's have plenty of head room but only if you have a tllt steering wheel.

1975 base vette came rated at 1165hp....chevy just left off a 1 in the owner's manual.

Chevy added the tray in the jack compartment so the druggies could have extra hidden storage space.

The protecto plate was really a "get out of jail free card".

In the 73 production year, the assembly factory ran out of chrome front bumpers, so they just shipped the vettes without them.
"Yeah, it was just a base model with the little V-6, nothing special."

I've heard just about every C3 story at car shows.

Similar one to yours....

Him: I used to have one just like this except it was a big block ('82 Crossfire)...

Me: You must have swapped the engine.

Him: No....... this one was completely stock. Ordered it brand new.

Me: Really?

Him: Yeah, it was BAD-ASS.

Me: I'll bet.

The largest C-3 myth of all. :suicide:
All C-3's are up on blocks, except Turtle's. :eek:
I once had a "Car Salesman"................
At a "Chevy Dealer"...........................
That I was working at......................

Tell me that "ALL" Corvette engines are "Hand Built"......:rolleyes:

Define................"Hand Built" :)
I once had a "Car Salesman"................
At a "Chevy Dealer"...........................
That I was working at......................

Tell me that "ALL" Corvette engines are "Hand Built"......:rolleyes:

Define................"Hand Built" :)

They were all built by a guy whose name was Hand! you know him as Mr Hand.From fast times at ridgemont high,or was it that other Mr Hand from saturday night live,that always squished Mr Bill and his dog :quote: