Paint stripping-OK, That was fun!


Garage Monkey
Staff member
Mar 5, 2008
Right here
I tried to strip the paint off of two hoods. I used Captain Lees stripper (methylene chloride gel) as directed. On one hood the paint turned into a semi liquid paste that was about as easy to remove as Liquid Nails. You could move it around but you could not separate this goo from the surrounding goo. I had my best success spraying in with a hose. On the other hood the paint bubbled up but it was like scraping bubble gum off.

I have officially thrown in the towel. Next step will be looking for someone to media blast these hoods.
How would you know how to remove liquid nails??? :shocking::shocking::shocking: This is disturbing to say the least :D
I used Citristrip, needed a few coats to get the paint loose, then I blasted it with a pressure washer.

It's pretty obvious which side of the car I hit with the pressure washer in this picture.
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scrape the paint stripper and the goopy paint with a scraper or a razor blade .... the media blasting will result in a rough surface, be prepared to spray gelcoat and many coats high build primer
Woke up today and my chemical burns from the stripper feel much better so I decided that I would try good old fashioned sanding. It was a bitch but it worked.
Keep in mind that if you're sanding you need a mask also.... don't breath that dust.... just as bad as the stripper fumes, maybe worse....
When working with chemicals.....paint, clear, paint stripper, etc.
Be sure to get a Respirator that has the "Black" band around the filter.
See Red arrow.....this means it's for automotive use.
Be sure to put the mask back in the resealable bag when not in use....
because if you don't.....and leave it out, after a couple of days....if that long...
the mask is no good any more and only good for a dust mask.


When sanding body fillers and prepping surfaces for paint.
I really like to use this one. Much easier to breath through than the surgical types.
Easy to swap filters as well.

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