Another trailing arm question


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
Some time later this year I'll disassemble the trailing arms again and replace the spindles and wheel bearings.
I replaced the trailing arm bushings with poly back in 2004, depending on their condition I might reuse them or install rubber or johnny joints... not sure yet...

anyways.... I'd like to reinforce the front of the trailing arm like it was don here:



who posted this and is this a johnny joint or what ?? doesn't look like the standard bushing sleeve setup...

Rather than buying two new arms I'll reinforce the front, rear and possibly add tubes like TT did..... I have a sandblaster, a welder, beer and a plan.....

How much are johnny joints ? The price tag might make my decision easier....
I posted that, it's in the 6 link thread. Yes, those are the 2" johnny joints.
Just found the thread, great info, that should be a sticky in the Fabrication section.... maybe I can contribute a few more pics when I do mine. I also want to reinforce the arm itself as well as the rear section where the spring bolt attaches....
If someone is gonna get some of them, can you get me a set also?

No problemo....... I think I'm convinced ..... I'm sure these are more than I need and stock rubber or poly is most likely fine for me but since I do all that other work to the trailing arm I might just do it for the cool factor :noworry: