Need help with my truck

DJ Dep

refugee from the other place
Mar 23, 2008
Silver City, NM
2004 Chevy Silverado... I just got a message on my 2004 Silverado "Service Brake Booster". What the heck??? Since when did they ever need servicing? I always thought they either worked or they didn't. Is there some kind of filter on them???? Any help appreciated.

Is this a "normal" vacuum booster ? If so, there is a check valve in the vacuum line to the brake booster - if that valve fails you can get gasoline fumes into the booster that then destroy the rubber diaphragm. I've had that happen over ten years ago.. difficult to diagnose and expensive...
I"m so glad I"m not driving any new cars......'85 Dodge van, '72 vette hotrod, and wife's 99 Escort, with except for the engine, very few problems and those were easy to fix.....hoping the tranny hangs in there....

Well I went through all the testing procedures and the booster seems to be working fine. There is no mesage in the diagnostic wondow about anything and there hasn't been since the first one. I also connected the OBD II tester and there was NOTHING in the truck memory of this problem. I also checked online for other people having the same problem and it appears others have experienced it too. Sometimes it's caused by the ignition switch. Other times it is linked to malfunctions in the speedometer, which has also been acting weird for me. Seems the 2004 Chevy trucks are plagued with all kinds of electrical glitches. Great. And GM wonders why so many people switch to Toyota :cussing:

Thanks a ton to everyone for the help. I'll keep an eye on things, but hopefully it will disappear.
Dep, I hear you, and they all are subject to the same shit.....

the more damn computers they use the worse it's going to get too....

stepson there bought a '99? S10 pickup....body controll computer kills the battery overnight....who in HELL NEEDS a body controll computer, like the damn BODY is going outta controll with out it???


I understand a new car has some 11++ computers in it.....

BULLSHIT!!!! nitwits.....
I have to admit my body computer on the 03 has glitches. Some windows, door locks, and remotes come and go with harmonic convergence.:bonkers:
I have to admit my body computer on the 03 has glitches. Some windows, door locks, and remotes come and go with harmonic convergence.:bonkers:

HEY U an elek trick i am U figger it out.....:quote::bounce:

I talked to a guy about it. Apparently they reburn/update the body computer. Good guy price, $90.00:devil: Just have not gotten around to it.
How did we ever get along without all those bell, buzzers, flashing lights, and needless to say now the one queer electron will send you to the funny farm. We have the habit of inflecting self misery.Good luck in the hunt.
ECM for Engine Management, TCM for transmission control, PCM for Powertrain controls (lets ECM,TCM, and BCM talk to each other) and then a BCM for body control- Windows, HVAC, Cruise, lights.
I may just buy an early 70's pickup where the only thing I have to contend with is a frigging PCV valve. :bomb:
Hey Dep.........

Where's that pic of you and the new tires, on that truck??????????? :D
I have to admit my body computer on the 03 has glitches. Some windows, door locks, and remotes come and go with harmonic convergence.:bonkers:

HEY U an elek trick i am U figger it out.....:quote::bounce:

I talked to a guy about it. Apparently they reburn/update the body computer. Good guy price, $90.00:devil: Just have not gotten around to it.

Yeh, I"ll burn a computer, allright...but not what in hell THEY thinking of.....

I can wire this POS vette, damnit, I can rewire ANY V hick ill MY damn way....


AAAND I just in a pissed off enough mood to DO it too....