A lot of mad people out there?


Mar 24, 2008
western . AZ
I was reading today, the price of gas has no limit. The article related there is going to be a National Boycott of the five major Oil Companies June 1st Exxon and Mobil are going to be Boycotted for the entire month, 1 Aug Shell and so on each month. The article pointed out, Boycotting the entire industry at the same time would not bring resolve to lower the price,, but one at a time for the entire month would bring them begging to buy their product. I just wanted to pass this bit of information along , I thought its very interesting.
I was reading today, the price of gas has no limit. The article related there is going to be a National Boycott of the five major Oil Companies June 1st Exxon and Mobil are going to be Boycotted for the entire month, 1 Aug Shell and so on each month. The article pointed out, Boycotting the entire industry at the same time would not bring resolve to lower the price,, but one at a time for the entire month would bring them begging to buy their product. I just wanted to pass this bit of information along , I thought its very interesting.

the problem is NOT the oil companies, it`s the politicians who have sided with the enviro nutz and have convinced them not to allow drilling in the US, these people obviously are more interested in saving the caribou and the polar than they are in saving our way of life...Instead they would prefer we buy oil from people who hate us, and want nothing more than to see our economy fall.....somewhere in a cave or maybe even a penthouse there is a very Saudi Arabian tall man with a scraggly beard laughing his ass off on a daily basis at the stupid Americans...his name Osama Bin Laden.....
Oil futures speculators did not help...area that needs regulating.....as for the boycott..good luck....will not change anything...
Oil futures speculators did not help...area that needs regulating.....as for the boycott..good luck....will not change anything...

Due to the computer age and jet travel, the tracking of futures TRAITORS is nearly impossible.....they locate anywhere and do business from anywhere....

and they trade on FEAR and ingorance....

they have a golden opportunity to fleece the American middle class working suburbanites and they taking full advantage of it....

who is behind it??? could be anybody, and untill futures trading is outlawed as a capitol offense, it will continue un abated....

I know this from a VERY high powered person I talked to recently, involved to the level this person is making 300 GRAND/year salary.....

and I shit you NOT.....supposedly the firm is not heavy into oil futures....but that could have been a lie also...hard to tell.....

this person is no dummy, obviously, and has a PHD from a VERY high rated B school.....everyone on this forum or others knows the name...it's HUGE....

I have to protect this person for obvious reasons....but it's not the oil companies directly causing this increase....

but it very well may be the islamics getting into the futures market....

with the media concentrating on the FEAR angle, they are in a perfect storm situation to force it to 300 bux/barrell.....

I've listened to my buddies from Europe complaints for years,... gasoline is now roughly 1.5 Euro/liter which translates into more than 8 USD per gallon.... when I moved to FL in 2001 gas was 0.99/gal, now it's almost $4..... quadrupled in 7 years... bfd (big F'ing deal)..... that's still half of what it cost you in Europe... stop running your V8 engine on a parking lot to run the AC and cool your vehicle, stop wasting shit and you'll be fine... quit y'alls bitching... it's just reality keeping up with us....
...Instead they would prefer we buy oil from people who hate us, and want nothing more than to see our economy fall.....somewhere in a cave or maybe even a penthouse there is a very Saudi Arabian tall man with a scraggly beard laughing his ass off on a daily basis at the stupid Americans...his name Osama Bin Laden.....
Good call Howard. The funny thing is, this shit hole I call a temporary home, is the biggest oil supplier in the world. You'd think with the amount of money coming in, this place would be like Utopia but it's actually the world's largest rubbish dump as the royal family take most of the money.

When the old king popped his clogs, there were lots of murmurings of dissent amongst the locals about having had enough of the royal family stealing the country's wealth. As soon as the new king took over, he immediately lowered the price of fuel by a third and the locals all thought he was great, so no more thoughts about getting rid of the royals.

Apart from the United Arab Emirates, all the countries out here rely on oil revinue. The UAE have invested heavily in tourism, rugby, cricket, motor racing etc as (I'm assuming) they realise that one day, there'll be no money in oil - either it'll physically run out or the big auto giants in Detroit will finally produce an engine that doesn't need gas or gets 500mpg. When that day comes, the Middle East will be screwed - apart from the UAE.

I think the Western world needs to relocate the various species of wildlife and drill like crazy in our own back yards. I know Australia has fantastic oil and gas reserves, be we too are held to ransom by the touchy feely tree huggers and then the rag head arseholes.

Most of these countries produce bugger all except oil. Maybe it's time to all get together and jack the price of food and essentials through the roof. Tie beef and rice prices to the price of oil, see how they like it.

K, off my box now. Did I mention what the price of fuel was out here :p
And thus the Oil will brake the back of America. And the people stand like lambs being led to slaughter. We have under scored the power of the Stock Exchange!
And thus the Oil will brake the back of America. And the people stand like lambs being led to slaughter. We have under scored the power of the Stock Exchange!

UHHH,,, NO, we have EMPOWERED the stock exchange over the last 40 years now.....this enviro movement has about destroyed the country, and not proven correct in ONE case yet.....:flash:

but I will laugh my ass off when the public sees what goes down and starts hanging the liberals by the neck in the public square.....

Well,when there is no food in the stores, people can't afford to drive to work. You see if you and I were making 160k a year why would you worry? We can thank all those paper hanging A.H in Washington for the position we are in.. When it all falls apart, just like pearl harbor, it will be too late!!