SAFETY dig this crap.....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
Wifes' son in law comes over with a 99 Exploder needs brake pads on 4 wheels....

we do the front with no sweat, and then chock the fronts to jack the rear we do the rears, try the pedal out, had the hood open to check fluids......I pick up tools from the last side, ask him to do the same from other side of the car, I"m in the garage putting stuff up, and he kicks out one chock from driver's side, kicks out the other side, and the Exploder takes off down the driveway backwards, he realizes the rear is still up in the air, as the jack rolls.....for some reason his hands are on the front fender/pass side, the HOOD slams down and latches on his fingers above the first knuckle.....:tomato::clobbered: he starts hollering and screaming as it's dragging him down the driveway...I panic and run after the car best I can manage with my arthritic feet....and the jack hits the street ditch and the whole thing comes to a stop.....I think it's on John's foot, and then have to fiddle for a second to get the damn hood latch open inside the car, natch the door slammed shut....I release the hood, go around front to catch the safety, he manages to pull his hands outta there......white as a ghost he sets on my truck bumper....lady across the street hears the hollering, and comes out to tend to him......nothing broken as he can move all his fingers....

bet he looks like a fielder's glove today though, damn that was nasty looking....

freeking air piston supports just weak enough to hold the hood open, but super easy to slam shut when the vechicle took off the inertia overcame the supports and so we narrowly avoided a major cat ass trophy....


damn cheeeeep shit, why in the they couldn't put a freeking SPRING on the damn hood to hold it properly...or a damn support bar, I dunno....

freeking freek out time....:cussing::cussing::cussing:
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Someone has to say it, so I will. Jacks are for lifting only. Jack stands are for working on a car.:crylol:
I am still sorry someone was injured. That's never a good thing.:gurney:
Sorry, read it wrong - too busy trying to blot out the mental image of fingers caught under a latched hood!

Yeh, me 2, shot like that on my damn skeleton would make for a missing person here...PERMANENTLY....too dam old for that crap....

but I also know old aches and hurts from accidents decades old have a nasty habit of coming back to haunt your ass.....

gotta figger him too, reality check.....I didn't use the stands on account of we never were under the thing, and the drive was slanted maybe ten percent....can't win....

I once backhanded my drivers door closing it on my Trooper...the door caught/closed on my middle finger and there I in my pocket for my keys...cut finger pretty good...I walked in my wifes beauty salon with my middle finger up in the air bleeding....ha ha ha..
I was in a friend's garage in high school, in flip flops of course, and a tow bar leaning against the wall fell over, and the cup of the hitch just caught my toes. I saw stars, and almost passed out.:gurney:
I was in a friend's garage in high school, in flip flops of course, and a tow bar leaning against the wall fell over, and the cup of the hitch just caught my toes. I saw stars, and almost passed out.:gurney:
SO after leaving 1/2 your foot at the doc' have been a little ':crutches::crutches::yahoo:light in the loafers' since then???
Believe it or not, it didn't break a one. Sure hurt like hell though.:crutches:
Believe it or not, it didn't break a one. Sure hurt like hell though.:crutches:

Yeh, no shit.....and I got feet not forth a flip.....arthritis, hurts like hell to walk.....when it's time for end of daze, I going to get revenge on them and take a 12 ga to them....
