Traveling again: Dallas

Got myself another week in Dallas.

Rock on!

SHIT man, I just got BACK from DFW....spent a week visiting an olde buddy, who is UBER GEEK UBER ALLES......

when I finally edit some 50 pix of his place and reduce size to manageable proportions, flip orientations, and so forth....all YOU all will NOT beleive waht you see....

there is NO ONE with this much GEEK GEAR.....NO ONE....NONE....

and when this gets edited, I will post HERE for the honorable GEEK/NERD worshiping.....ALL bow down, this man lays ALL the nerd/geek LO by comparo.....


it been 15 some years since I seen this man's place....and well, there are a few changes....

and some stories of various natures....some of which are serious EYE openers for world events today....BIG TYME......

stay tuned.....

Go to Saltgrass Steak House-- good stuff. I'd swap you. I'm in Italy (again). They kicked me over here with short notice.
Actually, I did. But it's on the lift and the truck is parked behind it, and the keys for the truck are about 6000 miles away.