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Geoff, you may know I love catz much more than dawgs....reason....tiger in the tank, 4 wdrive, posi on each end, tiger paw tires, motor that purrs like a kitten, instant launch, great speed and cornering power,

would hate to see catz rusting in the outdoors....


edit, setting here in l/r and showed this to wife Linda who feeds about 4-5 'stray' catz around this she want me to build one of those for ROOFIS our first outdoor adopted kitty....

jeebus man 3 inside, + one chiwawa, then 4+ outdoors....

this is getting expensive....
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A true pet lover :drink::thankyou::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

You should qualify for a NCRS Top Cat Award!

Your cat house design was interesting. I liked the climate baffle idea. My wife and I have some thoughts about using our large back yard (large by metropolitan Los Angeles standards that is) for a refuge for abandoned rabbits. I've given some thought as to how to build back yard shelters for bun rabbs, so this is a good reference for building warm shelters isolated from cold wind blasts. My house cat died at 19 years of age. She and I were very much communicative and bonded. Rabbits are different animals, but they do actually have some cat like behaviors. When they can run free, they are greatly different animals than the inert caged animals you see in pet stores.

The shelters look nice. Who knows, ....another business opportunity?
We participate in trap, neuter & release for the feral cats that cannot be adopted. Feral's just have a fear of humans. Our winters are cold & we have made shelters for years. Regretfully, but mercifully the feral ones have shorter lives. We just try to make it less of a life death battle for their shelter, food & water. Many times someone has just abandoned a litter of kittens in our warehouse parking lot.
We participate in trap, neuter & release for the feral cats that cannot be adopted. Feral's just have a fear of humans. Our winters are cold & we have made shelters for years. Regretfully, but mercifully the feral ones have shorter lives. We just try to make it less of a life death battle for their shelter, food & water. Many times someone has just abandoned a litter of kittens in our warehouse parking lot.

Our first stray, Roofis is a black cat, rather older female, altered and declawed, obviously a pet but our cat now, but will NOT stay inside, no matter the weather....she acts as a shill for the other cats on the food beg scam...

Linda did manage to rub the nose on Gimpy though, a full out Tom cat....

Gimpy hurt his front foot a year+ ago, but seems to have gotten over a nice large head of furrrrrrrr I want to rub those ears...
