Joyeux Noel


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
Saint Joseph du lac, Québec
Hey guys, not sure I'll be on line tonight or tomorow, but I'd like to take this minute to wish you guys a Merry Christmass.

I know we have members scatered all over the place so
in my language we say.

Joyeux Noël.

Have fun guys.
Same here to all of you!

It's 7:45 am, Christmas morning. The Missus is still asleep, I've been up for an hour. Some things never change! I'm still just like a little kid who can't wait to see what Santa brought him.....maybe I'll turn up the volume on the TV :trumpet: :devil: do you think that might wake her up?
No, much better if I bring her a nice mug of hot tea.

Have fun everyone!
A gift from one of Linda's clients......

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Merry Christmas Everyone!

The Air Force House
Camp Victory
Baghdad, Iraq
Christmas 2010
"Photo Adjusted for OPSEC" Well, Except for me... Cheers - Jim
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