At least my life is interesting


Millionaire Playboy
Mar 27, 2008
In transition
A lot of you have a fair idea of my current situation. As you might imagine with me not working right now, things are, shall we say, a bit tight.
So a few weeks ago my truck broke down. I think I even documented that saga here for your enjoyment. Until that happened, that truck was my "reliable transportation". I haven't yet fixed the truck for a couple of reasons, mainly money. That and my general lack of give-a-shit right now. My fall-back ride is the c3, or the project car from hell, as I am now learning.
Anyway, today a friend came in town to visit, just as the pacific storms seem to have done this week. We decided to meet up at the casino he's staying at and grab some lunch. I jump in the vette and with a heavy sign look at the ominous clouds to the west. It wasn't raining yet so I was hopeful this would be like so many other promising storms that roll through Vegas and leave nary a drop.
Oh how wrong I was.
On the trip over there it was almost boring. I got a lot of really fine mist but very little in the way of actual rain. It probably bears mentioning that my wipers haven't worked in about six years. Not generally a problem in Vegas, especially with a car that is 1) a project car, and 2) a "fair weather" car to boot. So I make it to the hotel with little trouble although I did notice some severe scraping noise as I pulled into the parking lot. I took a look and found that my home-made air dam under the front had broken a couple rivets and was hanging unsupported in the middle. The result was it was even lower than normal by about 2 inches. "Well I'll have to fix that tomorrow".
I go and meet my friend and we have lunch, a very good lunch buffet at MGM, by the way (Thanks Jeff) and we talked for a couple hours.
It was getting late and time to head home, just in time for.... rush hour traffic!
In the rain.
At night.
In Vegas.
So I get the car on the street and figure the best way to handle this is take the freeway since I should have fewer problems with headlight glare on my rain streaked windshield. Good thought. In theory. Problem was, everybody was on the freeway, and, just in case you don't know this, NOBODY in Vegas knows how to drive in the rain. And to top it off the Wurst shifter on my Richmond 5 speed has finally told me to go fuck myself if I ever think of putting the car in first gear again. Now paint this picture in your mind, here I am stuck on the freeway, in the rain, with no wipers, in stop and go traffic and no first gear. Let the good times roll.
Traffic was such a cluster I ended up missing my exit, kind of intentionally anyway and decided to try my luck with the surface streets. The lights were just interminably long and the rain and general panic and chaos of these inexperienced drivers backed the streets up for miles. The result was more 2-3-2-3-2-3 shifting than I've done in an entire season of autocross. Finally some forty five minutes (and only about 12 miles) later, I'm almost within eyeshot of my house. I'm finally in my neighborhood and traffic lightens up. That's when it happened.
I should probably stop at this point and tell you that a few years back I took the car out to Buttonwillow for a track day. I generally had a great time as usual but I had one eensy weensy teeny tiny problem. I put the car off at "space mountain". At least that's what I call it, I forget what they actually call it there. But at any rate, "space mountain" is really just a hill that's probably at total of 50 feet higher than the average for the rest of the track. I went in way too fast and got air. I mean "like Mike" air. When the car came down, off track I might add, it folded the original front air dam under the car (hence the aforementioned home made air dam) and (but wait! There's more!) compacted dirt under the car to such a degree and so violently it literally broke the floorboard. I'm reasonably sure I've even posted pictures of the damage in my gallery if you're really interested to see how badly one person can fuck up a Corvette. I still haven't fixed that damage. And today I paid for it.
Back to the story.
So traffic has finally cleared and for the first time in close to an hour of driving I have the car in fourth(!) gear. I can almost see home from here, I'm ready. I blow through this intersection, an intersection I've gone through more times than I can count, but apparently I have never noticed that there is a fairly significant drainage channel in this particular intersection. I never even saw it coming, what with the rain streaked windshield and all. I just felt that terrible slowing we all know so well when a car with 4" of ground clearance hits 5" of water. But the real surprise was the bucket load of water that blew back the carpet and soaked me in my seat!
Here I am driving along and all of a sudden I can see, almost in slow motion, this wall of water coming right at me. It was just like someone took a bucket and from point blank range threw it right in my face.
So now I'm driving down the road wiping water off my face, my shirt is soaked, I'm sitting in about an inch of water and there's more sloshing around my feet, with no wipers, no defroster and a rain streaked windshield.
Fortunately, at that point I was only about three miles from home. The rest of the trip was relatively uninteresting, aside from my pants and shirt clinging to my wet skin.
I got home, went inside and took a very long, very hot shower.
Man, I could use a little boring in my life.
I was hooked man, worried all along you would end up your story with some car accidents. phew
At least your vette seems waterproof.... from the top.
I wish you a awfully boring and dull Xmass.
Believe me, given the conditions, I was preparing just such a story the entire trip! But you guys should know me by now. If it was something that boring, the title would have probably been more like, "shit, wrecked the vette".
As for the waterproof, don't forget it is a t-top car. I assumed we all knew I was getting wet from the tops dripping on me. Hell, saying the t-tops leak is kind of like saying mustangs are turds. Why state the obvious?
Oh, and thanks for the kind wishes. :cheers:
One thing I learned long ago which I have to chant to myself during rides like that: The rides from hell make the best stories. If every ride was warm & beautiful & perfect, we'd have nothing to talk about!
I was laughing & commiserating with you, it's good that you can still see the humor too. :rolleyes:
This story absolutely made me smile big time. Glad you haven't lost your sense of humor. And you know, some time sooner or later, we all end up in some kind of shit. Merry Xmas and happy newyear.
I should update everybody that I got pretty much everything taken care of yesterday. I needed to since I have to use this car to drive over to my chemotherapy appointments. Well, while I was under the car I made a little bit of a clutch adjustment that worked wonders for clutch engagement. And I figured as long as I was down there I might as well check out the rest of the system. I did notice the pivot ball that connects to the engine block looked like it was starting to bend a little. Known problem on these cars and I even kept a spare as the last time it gave from when the last one let go some 13-14 years ago. I didn't have the spare here at the house so I figured I would let it ride for the time being and run over to my storage shed later in the week after the rain stops and pick it up.
And so my life continues to be interesting.
I made it all the way to my appointment this morning and 3/4 of the way back. I clutched to make a downshift on a freeway ramp (because people here are terrified of rain :bomb: ) and BAM! the peddle drops to the floor. I was pretty lucky that there were only a few lights from that point to my house so I was able to rev-match shift almost all the way home but still got caught at a light. Nice thing about the Richmond though is that granny low. I hated to do it but I started that car in first at the light and she pulled right off. Got her home and she's in the driveway right now. I went over and dug up my spare pivot ball and will put it in here shortly.
U get/deserve a A+ in coping....if nuttin else, man....

take care....:beer::shocking:
GENE, I appreciate it. But it's really no big deal at this point. This round of Chemo is really minor.
Anyway, 3-1/2 hours later I finally got that fokker replaced. You know, generally when a bolt shears off clean it's fairly easy to back out unless someone put locktite or something on the threads (never do this to the pivot ball! I can promise you that if you do, replacement will require removal of the engine). But not me. Oh no. Bastard. So at first I try just a couple different sharp tools, hoping I can catch a ridge or something and spin the broken part out. 1/2 hour later it was time for the punch and ball peen hammer. Half hour after that it was time to try and drill it out, but the drill was too big to fit into that small a space so I was back to punches and awls and such. So a total of 2 hours later I figured what I probably needed to do is just get a nut or something and weld it to the end of the stud. I chose a nut rather than a bolt so I could get the tip right up in there since I couldn't get a mask on. I figured the tip and nut should shield me reasonably well. That didn't work either. More punching and awling(?)
Finally, I had this brilliant idea to take a cut off wheel for my dremel and cut myself a slot in the stud and just unscrew it.
Fucking genius.
Only works if the stud is flush or a little bit out but that's my new trick. Once I finally got that out the project took just about what I estimated to get it finish, 30 minutes.
Funny/sad thing is, I was suspicious of it yesterday. Had I had the part then, I would have replaced it and saved myself about 3 hours of aggrivation.
Eh, I getting more and more dug in over the decades, shit I know in my MIND that should take almost NO effort to fix, I spend more time looking for tools and material than actually do the fucking JOB.....

and Linda knows when I start getting frustrated....she just leaves, because she don't go much for my cussing....

if she leaves, I know by now to simmer down.....

before another wrench finds its way through some fender or other....

Well, it sounds like you got most of the bad shit covered. It should go smooth from here on in...... one would think
Eh, I getting more and more dug in over the decades, shit I know in my MIND that should take almost NO effort to fix, I spend more time looking for tools and material than actually do the fucking JOB.....

and Linda knows when I start getting frustrated....she just leaves, because she don't go much for my cussing....

if she leaves, I know by now to simmer down.....

before another wrench finds its way through some fender or other....


Actually I know that ...:lol:

These are just some much fun to work on. There is always something new to do on them ... My wife even thinks I just keep on finding out new thing so that the car never gets finished... hm maybe she's right.

Anyway clutchdust, get well...
I got the same wall of water as Clutchy from a drain hole I had cleverly opened on the drivers side. Knocked out the plug after I pulled out the sodden carpet. About drowned me in the dark and what a shock.

see, here in Vegas there's no storm sewer system like in a normal town. It's starting to appear in some newer areas but for donkey's years the streets were the storm system. As the town started to really grow in the 80's the stopgap was to make deep trenches across intersections, nasty damned things like upside down speed bumps.

They've all been pretty full this last week..........