Outstanding understanding....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
"As a programmer/developer, I know hackers, so I know the mentality of people who wreck, destroy, and create chaos versus those of us who build, organize, and create. Most hackers suck at writing whole applications, but excel at finding even the smallest weak spot to target for destruction. They are awesome at stubs and drivers, but can't think in whole application terms.

Obama comes from the hacker world, where he creates nothing, leads nobody, and does nothing productive. His entire public life prior to the presidency was rabble rousing as a community organizer (the title itself a euphemism for whipping the community into a lather against your chosen target), then casting blame in his endless series of campaigns for the next office.

Very few critics accomplish anything. They criticize what others do.

Hillary had this one dead on in the primaries. The job he has is a chief executive, not a spiritual leader or figurehead. Your not a marketing director or PR specialist, you're the CEO. Hillary, unlike Obama, has DONE THINGS in her life and also lived in the same house with a state governor and President, which helped her understand that all too well. Obama never did anything that happened outside committee or rabble rousing event where he was responsible and accountable for his actions. Like her or not, but Hillary has been out in front of plenty of unpopular moves, and mostly owned them all pretty well.

He isn't just worse than just about every Republican out there, he's near dead last in his own party, this Obama clown. Not a leader. Not now, not ever. Look at his cabinet appointments. Either a payback, or he grabs a professor, who seem to be the only people he looks up to. If he ran your kid's lemonade stand, they'd go bankrupt and you'd lose your home."

the man is correct....

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Looks like you snagged that from MHill over in PR&C. I read a lot of what he posts, and I very rarely disagree.
Looks like you snagged that from MHill over in PR&C. I read a lot of what he posts, and I very rarely disagree.

Yes, I did, probably him, he is smarter than the average bear....

but I thought this one was really good....especially for a schlep on the net, not some braniac like on a GOOD network...Krauthammer comes to mind....
