My buddy Bob's garage


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
I finally got a day off today, and went to my buddy Bob's house. Some of you know I am always doing a car project up there. He just had his floor epoxied, and thought I would post a few pics. It's about 35'x45', with a two post from an old dealership. It's detached from the house. The house also has a 4 car garage. I'll post some pics next week when we move the cars back in.


We also went to Home Dump, and we followed this split window up the main street.
That floor looks great. I need to do mine. Is that a kit from someplace or did he have someone come in and coat it?
He had it done. Prep, filling, grinding, 4 coats. About $3,200. Took 5 days.
That did turn out nice! Prep is the hard part - I did my 3 car garage. You really have to make sure you clean and etch the concrete real good so that stuff will stick.
We also went to Home Dump, and we followed this split window up the main street.

When I worked at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard in the late '80s, there was a faded red rat looking split window worked there also....Looked identical to this one. I talked to the guy once (I found some tailite bezels in a box of junk and gave them to him), he gave me a ride across the parking lot (which was a long ways)..... I asked him when he was going to paint it and he replied, "Why?"....The car was a bit of a rat, but it had earned that status the honest way, and it was a good car.....Wonder if this is him? If so, it's great that he's not caved in to the show-n-shine crowd after all these years!
We also went to Home Dump, and we followed this split window up the main street.

When I worked at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard in the late '80s, there was a faded red rat looking split window worked there also....Looked identical to this one. I talked to the guy once (I found some tailite bezels in a box of junk and gave them to him), he gave me a ride across the parking lot (which was a long ways)..... I asked him when he was going to paint it and he replied, "Why?"....The car was a bit of a rat, but it had earned that status the honest way, and it was a good car.....Wonder if this is him? If so, it's great that he's not caved in to the show-n-shine crowd after all these years![/QUOTE]

Maybe. This was taken in West Covina.
John, I assume you know the yards are no more?
Oh yeah, sad...It was a great place to work, even if the work was shitty. I was a boilermaker, worked on the Tarawa, Jouette, and a couple others, everywhere from the bilges to top of the stacks. I was bummed out when they layed me off, but I guess it was forced me to 'explore other avenues' which directly led to what I do now, which I like....But I just can't believe the government would let a fully capable good weather facility like LBNSY close down.....Oh well.....What do I know?
Are the civilian shipyards still running?

(Wow--just had a memory--Is that old black steel grate floored bridge still there? The one which just had an expanded metal roadway to drive on, you could see the water way below through the bridge. Pretty creepy on a motorcycle. I think it went inland from the port, I never had occasion to cross it much...)
Oh yeah, sad...It was a great place to work, even if the work was shitty. I was a boilermaker, worked on the Tarawa, Jouette, and a couple others, everywhere from the bilges to top of the stacks. I was bummed out when they layed me off, but I guess it was forced me to 'explore other avenues' which directly led to what I do now, which I like....But I just can't believe the government would let a fully capable good weather facility like LBNSY close down.....Oh well.....What do I know?
Are the civilian shipyards still running?

(Wow--just had a memory--Is that old black steel grate floored bridge still there? The one which just had an expanded metal roadway to drive on, you could see the water way below through the bridge. Pretty creepy on a motorcycle. I think it went inland from the port, I never had occasion to cross it much...)

I believe Todd shipyards are also gone.
You talking the Vincent St Thomas, or the other one?
Footnote. I also went there for the re-commisioning of the Jersey and the Mighty Mo. Got the captains private tour. THAT was a blast.
Vincent St. Thomas is the one directly from downtown Long Beach, Ocean Blvd, isn't it? No this one was a draw bridge, I believe, across the channel--Terminal Island Freeway (I just googled a map). Looked like something from the London industrial steam age.....I think they were gonna replace it soon anyway...
Wow--just spent a few minutes doing a Google Earth bird's eye tour of the area--a lot has changed!! But I recognise a lot of the roads I used to jam. That bridge is still there, it's the lift bridge, the small one next to the 'new' T I Freeway bridge....Doesn't look near as creepy here as it did rolling across it on a foggy midnite....
We used to go to lunch on the Missouri when it was docked near us, what a ship! Couldn't do much touring because we didn't have clearance for it, but we did walk around a bit. Incredible, you can feel the history in every rivet....

Oh well, now back to our regularly scheduled show