Put Up Or Shut Up......

I can't tolerate any of those guys. I agree with their message 90% but I just can't handle the delivery. I used to think that Michael Savage was intolerable but these days, he seems pretty tame. Glen Beck goes on and on and on and on.............................
I can't tolerate any of those guys. I agree with their message 90% but I just can't handle the delivery. I used to think that Michael Savage was intolerable but these days, he seems pretty tame. Glen Beck goes on and on and on and on.............................
I agree, but the subject matter can be droll and boring. Michal Savage, Glenn Beck, and to a lesser extent Hannity and O'Reilly add show biz "flair", just to get eyeballs. Remember the Don Henley song from the early '80's "Dirty Laundry"?