Ouch, Damn...


Clueless In Sandland
Mar 24, 2008
Aussie expat in Saudi Arabia

I ran our dog up to the vet this morning as he was booked in to get a cist cut out of his neck. I dropped him off and then dropped Christine off at work no problems and then spent the next hour trying to get back to our compound. There'd been a good size accident on the main road and then when everyone started trying to take different routes, there were several more accidents. It took an hour to drive what normally takes 15 minutes! I was just getting near our compound when a Toyota Coaster bus changed lanes (as in, jerk-the-wheel-to-avoid-a-deer type of lane change) just as I was about to pass him. I near shit myself and jammed on the brakes but had no where to go - either run into the bus, slam into a cement wall beside me or slam into a Toyota pickup that was now beside me. The ABS system kicked straight in (which always takes me by surprise) and luckily I slowed enough that I didn't have to swerve or hit the bus - mind you, I was only INCHES off the rear of the bus. The bastard realized what he had done as when I went past him, he didn't even acknowledge me and then when I was about 100 yards in front of him, I slowed right down and so did he. Funny old thing, he turned into the same street as I did (there's another compound beside us) so when I got to the military checkpoint (and he had nowhere to go), I stopped and got out of my car. I was still shaking like a leaf with fright, anger and adrenaline and all I wanted to do was drag him out through the window by his ears and bury my knee in his face but I knew I couldn't do that so I went up to his window and asked him (in a rather stern voice) why the hell didn't he look before he changed lanes etc etc etc. In true 3rd world national fashion, he denied doing anything wrong and said it was my fault for not watching where I was going bla bla bla. Anyway, to cut the story short I told him to use his damn side mirrors and whacked his mirror for emphasis with the back of my hand. Of course, the wafer thin mirror shattered and I've now got 4 stitches in my left pinky finger. So, that was my excitement for the day - I have 3 days off work now but can't really do anything as the stitches are right up near the knuckle - which of course makes it pretty damn painful to use my hand for much, especially spannering or playing my bass.

Like I said, ouch, damn and shit!
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What I find funny is, your in a "danger" zone, and here in Kalifornia, you can get shot for that.:bonkers::bonkers:
What I find funny is, your in a "danger" zone, and here in Kalifornia, you can get shot for that.:bonkers::bonkers:
Yeah, wierd. I was in Waco Texas some years ago driving along with my (then) native Texan girlfriend in the car. Someone cut me up and I flipped them the bird and the girlie went apeshit at me telling me not to do that or someone might shoot me :withstupid:

I didn't flip the bird any more...
you got the balls for doing something like that in a foreign country.

I'll give you that.

I try not to get upset on the road anymore. if someone pisses me off i just come home log in and rip into one of you.:lol:
The driving out here is attrocious but reasonably predictable - you can just tell when someone is going to cut you off or change lanes etc (the indicator stalk in the car is something to hang your prayer beads off!!) and you drive accordingly - not much surprises me out here any more.

However, I really got a fright today. I honestly thought I was going to have a serious accident and end up dead or badly hurt. I'm really thankful my wife wasn't in the car as she's had 2 vertebrae in her neck fused and another one replaced with a titanium job. I think the sudden deceleration and swerving would have really hurt her or even done some damage. Hehehe, if she was in the car, I think the bus driver would have been worse off!
Next time just be real calm, walk up to the front of the bus, reach down and open the radiator petcock, wipe off the burning coolant on your pants leg, get back in your car and laugh as you go around him while he's desperately trying to close the petcock but can't since the coolant is too hot.:thumbs:rolling.gif
Next time just be real calm, walk up to the front of the bus, reach down and open the radiator petcock, wipe off the burning coolant on your pants leg, get back in your car and laugh as you go around him while he's desperately trying to close the petcock but can't since the coolant is too hot.:thumbs:rolling.gif

Just do it the easy way- jab an icepick thru it and calmly walk away.
Nah, then you are actually causing damage, not to mention its a little mental game as well since the guy knows that he can change the situation if he'd only get some balls and take some pain. :thumbs:
Not to mention all the guys here that are trying like crazy to figure out what the hell "spannering" is..

But then, I can read Rolls Royce too.