The mass murderer I knew once.....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
for real.....:eek::surrender:


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of the same article....sorry for any confusion, as it's a literal copy/paste from a somehow supposed secret encoded .pdf file over some bullshit or other.....


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stupid file size crapola in the scans/shit....


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I can't read your article but I can relate. I spent three years in the Navy sleeping four inches away from my buddy Wayne Nance. We knew he was weird and tended to discount his stories and artwork thusly.

A year or two after we got out one of his intendeds managed to kill him and saved the life of himself and his wife.

I carry a lot of confusion over that whole thing thinking of what Wayne may have done in all the cities we visited and if I have even the slightest bit of knowledge that could help an investigation. Thirty years later, I think not.

Still, I sometimes think of contacting that final couple just to say I'm sorry, I don't know why, but I know that would be totally wrong.

Maybe I feel guilty for liking the guy in light of what he did...
Gene please don't bring yer friends over fer a visit :D

I met this murderer in HS, maybe 60-61 or so, summer skool for fyne type englush like we didn't like butt needed the grade ....

so we gradded in '62, and so at the parts counter in '66 at the local Chevy Chase (serious Wash DC suburb name, just like the comedian) Chevy dealer I met him again, started hanging with him as he and I both had first car at age 22 was a '60 vette, his was a bastard splice job of a 58-61 I think...crash rebuild....doors weren't right...I remember that....
the SOB could shift that silly vette though stock linkage and all, .....

he introduced me to another friend into MOPARS, on my email list still today....he was a Federal cop for some 40? almost years....and so with that association and the friendships going back over decades, I have known some dozen cops, all because of a mass murderer....:tomato::rofl:

I will never forget the tone of voice Larry had that evening he invited himself over, phone call was dead serious icey tone to his voice...MAJOR shit going on, so we talked for that evening, figgering out how to end the friendship with Bill in the article there, as the shit was just starting to hit the fan in '68 or so.....we both scared for our g/friends, anyone, families, you name it....

he sold a vette hardtop to Larry, stolen off the streets of G'town, larry was going to flip it, not knowing it was hot....backed outta THAT deal in a hurry....

Bill stole a solid axle vette in DC, drove it out to the shores of the Potomac River, way in hell upstream, in through the woods, where it sat in the underbrush for nearly 20 years, he stripped what parts he wanted.....Larry knew where it was, I remember seeing it in the late 70's.....gone at some point in the 80's.....

Bill died in prison, strangely enough, at a joint that I visited by the early 80s for a security company I worked was on the shores of a lake, with a fun spot/campground several miles away, I was there years later camping, and went to make a beer run, so went to the store several miles away, and across the street was this prison....same joint I remembered from several years was the Pennsylvania head prison, Max ward, I remember that much....
