This is civilization?


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
Today I was at the local Township Athletic Association facilities to do some work. They have 4 ball fields and a club house/concession stand building. One of the fields is fenced off and locked because it has some kind of expensive astro turf. The Club house building is made of cinder block. There is a lot of vandalism at the Club house building and at the one secured ball field. There is also a lot of drinking at the ball fields. The vandals are local kids, they have been caught in the act several times. The grounds keeper tried to report the problem to one of our local police officers, the police officer told him that he was being lazy and was trying to get the police to do his job - that the grounds keeper did not want to pick up the empties and the broken glass. The grounds keeper does not care about having to clean up - that is his job. His concern was for the broken glass and the children who may be injured while playing there. The grounds keeper also tried to report the vandalism to the Club house while it was being comitted and again the police did not want to be bothered. One of the Athletic Association Staff told me that they are scared to make waves with the police for fear of retaliation by the police, that the Chief of police is also a school director, that the parents fear their children will be singled out for special attention at school if police action is demanded. I find it hard to believe that this kind of shit still exists in AMERICA. It sounds more like a third world country dictatorship than America to me.

This is our civilization?

We should live in fear of our local police departments? We should be afraid to be good citizens and report crime when we see it? We should continue to donate to the FOP's and support this mentality?

A few weeks ago I witnessed the police in their cruisers SLEEPING while parked at the same athletic area. Of course they were parked way in the back so no one should really notice.... I was tempted to get out the old digital camera and take some pictures but I too fear retaliation.

Me personally? I admit it. I DO FEAR the police. Most of them are arrogant assholes who do not want to do their jobs. They want to get paid and collect fat benefits while they indulge themselves. The few really good officers out there are severely handicapped by these working conditions.

So our ball fields and club houses, paid for with our tax dollars, are being eroded way before their time. Our society is going the same way. Law enforcement? Can you call it that? It seems to be rather selective. Just don't let it bother you. If you do it might come back to bite you. This is our civilization.
IT is NOT just the cops, although that is the most obvious asspect of .gov we notice on a every damn day basis....

It's the entire damn .gov structure from the el prezidente' on top down to school janitor.....and what's worse is the teachers/professors in our schools, everything is someone elses' problem and we are responsible for nothing as individuals.....everyone gets a A, no child left behind....I"ll give them a fucking BEHIND alright.....

ie....communits, PROGRESSIVES, liberal/socialist mind set.....anything to knock out the AMERICAN middle's the only thing standing between PROGRESSIVES and total power they crave....

and the largest enabling thing that makes these cats hard to herd....the to attack freedom of transportation for the individual on demand......

I had a phrase in my handle once, something about 'green weenies are mule fart sniffers''s there for a reason....

Dude, seriously, why would they waste their time on some teenage vandals who have no money and more rights than anybody else in this country when they can be heroes in the department by writing the most revenue... I mean speeding tickets?
Is the local police chief an elected position?? If not, is the police chief appointed by an elected official? Maybe the way to go about this is to use the digital camera and keep the "evidence" in your pocket until someone runs for the appropriate office. Then you could "volunteer" to work for that campaign...

See, as screwed up as things are in some cases, I still be it's WTP (We The People) who still really have the power. Problem is, in most instances, we refuse to exercise it. And it doesn't ususally bring immediate results. The good news is, it does work, and the results are usually lasting.

Just my $.02 (before taxes!!)
Where I live, the local TV stations have "Investigative Reporters". Give them a call, and they investigate- without putting the person that called them on the spot. IT's amazing some of the stuff they uncover= city employees sleeping in out of the way spots is really high on the list.
