Remember that lightening strike??


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
about a couple months ago? they finally got to cutting down that tree trunk.....

remember I said it had been split pretty high??

so they cut it down, and pulled off the rope to cut it up....

and so it fell into two sections......and on to one of the guys feet, they got him out ok....

but look at that trunk, split by the lightening, and my steel tape on top of the stump....


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What the HELL was he doing standing so close to a falling tree that it caught his feet???? He's lucky it didn't land on his head so he'd be eligible for a first place Darwin award---but I'd say he gets a bronze.......
If Gene hadn't been there to supervise, they'd be either planting that guy or calling him "Shorty"

Just drop the wood off in my driveway...cut ,split, and delivered. Just the way I like it. Hell I bet it doesn't need to be seasoned either.
That is a big fucker....heat my house for two months probably.
OK, I just realized I misread it--It rolled on the guy after it was down, when it fell apart.

Yes, it was laying on the ground as a complete round trunk, when they went to cut it in sections, the thing flipped open, so them lashing it together as a precaution while it was upright was a smart move...

but I have never seen so much physical weather type destruction to trees as since being south here over the last 13 years....

one thing to knock one down in a storm/whatever....

but to blow that tree apart like that with ONE SHOT of lightening??

much less that similar size Pine? tree off I 10 there on the Katrina FEMA thing.....all wrung off about 6' off the ground, the trunk all twisted and wood splayed out like a rag mop?? obviously a tornado hit that tree....

If Gene hadn't been there to supervise, they'd be either planting that guy or calling him "Shorty"


Yeh, right, super with camera in's been almost 2 months now since the strike....the reason for the delays have been a triple tragedy in the tree company, which has been around forever as a typical redneck family operation....with many employees too....

one of the lead supers on this job has triple bypass, he got in the heat, and keeled over dead at home that night.....
then one of the owners kids died...also heat attack .....
then one other guy is in the hospital critical with something or other....

3 strikes on ONE company like that, key men too, not just some brush hauler, chipper guy, but manager types.....oh SHIT!!

but to blow that tree apart like that with ONE SHOT of lightening??

Lightning can be one bad mofo.

Say about 125,000 miles per hour, over 50,000 degrees F, and as much as 120,000 amps for a negatively charged bolt. I've heard as much as 1,000,000 amps for a positively charged bolt (rare). The average bolt of lightning can produce as much as 1 terawatt of peak power (1 trillion watts). All of this happens in microseconds. Dayum!

You guys have it worse in Florida. Y'all get more lightning strikes than any other state and they tend to be above average as well.

but to blow that tree apart like that with ONE SHOT of lightening??

Lightning can be one bad mofo.

Say about 125,000 miles per hour, over 50,000 degrees F, and as much as 120,000 amps for a negatively charged bolt. I've heard as much as 1,000,000 amps for a positively charged bolt (rare). The average bolt of lightning can produce as much as 1 terawatt of peak power (1 trillion watts). All of this happens in microseconds. Dayum!

You guys have it worse in Florida. Y'all get more lightning strikes than any other state and they tend to be above average as well.


Yeh, I know 'normal' electricals pretty good, stood on the deck of a full tily nuky power plant 1300 megawatts.....

wire and bolts to amaze even king kong....

but seeing the results after that strike taking out this house for the second time in 12? years now....

fuck these trees, them damn things are nuttin' but trouble and a freeking lightening rod to boot....

the one that hit my backyard oak tree, came out the side, fried the adjacent bushes, blew up some white 4" DWV PVC pipe and left welded sand down in the yard....
huge scars...happened at 515 that morning...about blew me outta bed, front room lit up like WAY brighter than the sun, with a blue/white light....tree on opposite corner of house out in back yard maybe 30' from house....strange shit, ....

when the above tree hit...I had managed to save most of the electronic crap in the house...THIS time....


A very large one that has zero direct operating cost- no tips to replace either. :harhar:

:flash: Talk about a blade though....cuts really clean, and for a fair distance too.....:cry:

you know, the hell of it is, when I think of it....I have nearly equaled the record set by a guy in Northern Va. outside DC, McLean Va....

he got hit twice in one month in his own backyard, second storm/strike took out another tree and his TV set.....

I know of no one else that has been hit that much, personally that is....and so now it happens to me, but took about 11 years....

Florida is a larger state, less probability or something....


OH, btw, sad....I can't hardly believe the probability......the guy from the tree company that went to the hospital?? he died too....that's 3 strikes at that company of friends/family in the last 2 months...

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A very large one that has zero direct operating cost- no tips to replace either. :harhar:


Well, they across the street cutting up all the wood all day yesterday, so this quiet Sunday am I take my coffee mug and go talk to Ernie the old retarred crusty Coastie, and Scott, who owns the tree in question....they start talking of a tree company guy who got electrocuted, in the company bucket truck.....I back up and...say WHAT?? so I get a count from Ernie who knows the company owner for decades now....

First was the foreman....heart attack, had heart issues and bypasses....heat got to him....

then one of the owner's sons....dunno why, just dies within a day or so of the foreman.....

then the head climber's father, and that's a bit of a mess and took out the climber for a while now.....

now this....the head bucket truck operator, cherry picker, backs it into a power line somehow, and he electrocuted, cops impound the truck... investigating......


Time to get that bad curse the hell OVER with.....
