Racist in US capital!!

Spent 40 cognitive years in the Wash DC burbs, I know that town like back of my hand, knew/met many in/out/about/related to some significant power structures....about 95% of them are liberal as hell, to the point of being communists, and that is not overstating the case one damn bit....in fact, I"m being kind....

they typical DC bureaucrap comes in 1/2 hour late, leaves 1/2 hour early and takes a 2 hour lunch break....this is very common in the entire work force....with damn few exceptions.....

hell, if they know you they will even joke about it.....

I remember walking halls with a buddy in HS, down at foggy bottom US State Dept headquarters, his mom worked there, 230 pm, people standing around the water cooler, desks full of papers totally unoccupied, people with feet on the desk leaned back....not just ONE trip, but several....

mindless numbing reports, binders in thickness, and in the middle of it is a note that if anyone in this organization is actually reading this report, please call xxxxyyyyzzzz and tell me...signed Author of the report....

6 months later he gets the first reply and it was supposed to be a 'urgent' information type action thing.....bunch of BS if you ask me....

the internal self promotion and schmoozing is asstounding, they rate each other highly that way everyone gets to be a GS14++++ at step OMG upon retirement.....

meanwhile they now hide their computer screens from public view and click off whatever when anyone comes into their offices....

this is true for agency after agency.....after 40 years in that town, dealing with them in their homes, then 'professionally' then in their homes yet again, for another field of work, I can say it's the most overpaid underworked bunch I have ever met....

Should catch the party conversations some time....but that's ok, your money, their political full O soapy.....

First we kill all the lawyers....head to K st NW, there we fine Dewey Cheatem and Howe....sleazebag firm so oily we could drive a Peterbuilt off it.....

THEN some of the other more interesting aspects of that location...maybe another time.....

Now more first hand observations with respect to the OP up top here....

an old friend from HS yet, went into the Navy and got out in '69 after his 4-5 med cruise years on the USS Littlerock......so he gets out, and head to Texas we been in touch all these years, ever few months...

so about 16 years ago, I decide to go visit him in Fort Worth, he has this little detail from a surplus electronics dealer friend to drive out to ElPaso and pick up some gear, so we head out in this old Dodge pickup....out I20 through Midland/Odessa and some VERY interesting observations there....and into the Border Patrol headquarters .....

there to meet guys in their electronic surveillance group/lab and I get a chance to talk with the guys about what they doing....

they find out I"m obviously from outta town, I sure as hell ain't from Texas.....so I answer Wash dc.....they not very complimentary about that town either.....they think it's totally fucked up and that's just their little agency....and they were stuck suing old Viet Nam era gear from the war yet....repair/strip/recycle was their gig.....

the guys said that with a LITTLE support from Wash DC and not a whole lot of money, they COULD seal the border tighter than whale pussy, and that's water proof.....(actually I copped my plumber's favorite saying for that point, but you get the drift)......

wanna know what happens in any office/job site, ask the chickens not the rooster.....

so anyway, we drive north on the way back through Carlsbad and bordering the highway on way in was the southern tip of the famous White sands....full of tumbleweed and whatever oddball shit that survives somehow.....he stops the truck, I get out and walk almost 1/4 mile into the desert....total stone silence, BRIGHT SUN, and just the wind....IF I catch my ears at the correct angle....bent down and ran some beach sand through my fingers....all that was missing was the ocean....weird shit man....for a east coaster anyway....

so that is my recollections of what the OP film above is all about....
