Happy B-Day Kid Vette

Thanks for the birthday wishs, guys. I haven't been around here much lately; its been quite a year. I lost my job a year ago and was unemployed for about 4 months; then found a job in Ohio about 3 hours from my home in southwest MI. So I rented a little upstairs apartment in OH and did weekly commutes.

The job wasn't very good (long hours, low pay, a big prick for a boss) so I kept looking. After about 6 months I landed this job in Santa Cruz. Been working here for a little over 2 months and still unpacking. I will be flying San Francisco to Hong Kong Saturday, then on to Shenzhen, China for the week. I will probably come back for a week or two then go back to China again for a week or two. Not much Vette time.

But the Vette is out here and I DID back it out of the garage last night. So who knows what the coming year will bring!

Anyway, thanks again.
The travel sorta sux, but living in California just has to be better than anything i the north/frozen climate of Mi/Slohio.....:thumbs:

IMO, you improved your situation.....:)