Yenko Stinger Crash yesterday

What year is that Cobra Stang???

Nice pix....shame about the Corvair...:eek::surrender:
Long way to the bottom, if you want to rock n roll!

I'd prefer a venue with more forgiving run-off.....too much to lose racing on those hills!

Regarding Nader...while the original Corvairs had issues with the swing-axle rear suspension (like VW used), I always felt that the last Corvairs with fully-independant rear suspensions and their turbocharged flat four-bangers were the most advanced cars built in the US at the time.....
Nader's also the character who pushed legislation against knock-off wheels because they could "cut" someone's leg.
He's been on my shit-list for a long, long time...
If you are so close to the car that the spinner could cut your leg you have other issues to worry about. Had the same conversation w/ a tech check guy here, he was whining about hood pins being dangerous to, if a pedestrian comes into contact with a hood pin, what about the rest of the front of the car? Isn't that a bit more worrisome??
Naderite logic is typical of the inverse logic of the PROGRESSIVE/commie thought process taught in today's 'universities' particularly to 'liberal arts' majors, which is about 80% of the women going to college.....

so right there the Progressives have a hell of a voting block....

not one of them could even so much as turn a bolt, let alone use a freeking today's high tech world, WTF good ARE they??

it's like my son, working first job as a auto mechanic apprentice now in Oakland....hired because one of his summer jobs years ago was at the self same junkyard I used to raid for parts for cars I owned years ago....called Rockville GM, in Rockville Md....just outside what good is his silly degree in child psych??

just like all those other basketweaving degrees.......WORTHLESS.....

even his overbearing, snotty uncle in Erie Pa. there, Dr. Douglas Buyer age ~55 by now, even HE is in trouble making a living with his private wonder, try smack the kids on the ass once in a great while, like I did Tom years fact I never hit Tom, no need to, he did something stupid and got call down pretty hard on it once, but his little psyche' seems to have survived.....

This rat's rant is over for now.....

Ever wonder why all the new cars ate so tall with hog-nose front ends? Its because studies have found that the low hood-lines cause pedestrians to go through windshields, while the higher ones plant the pedestrains' faces in the rear/middle of the hood.
Honda has even made sure their hoods are more easily deformable in this area so head damage isn't as severe.
Next time you wonder what drove vehicle heights to what we see today, you can blame people walking where they shouldn't be.

As for the knock-offs, remember when Jaguar went from eared style to hex knock-offs....and Chevy did too on their aluminum Corvette wheels. Total bullshit.
I'd like to side-swipe Nader, except the knock-offs on my Grand Sport don't protrude past the sidewalls of the tires......
Ever wonder why all the new cars ate so tall with hog-nose front ends? Its because studies have found that the low hood-lines cause pedestrians to go through windshields, while the higher ones plant the pedestrains' faces in the rear/middle of the hood.
Honda has even made sure their hoods are more easily deformable in this area so head damage isn't as severe.
Next time you wonder what drove vehicle heights to what we see today, you can blame people walking where they shouldn't be.

As for the knock-offs, remember when Jaguar went from eared style to hex knock-offs....and Chevy did too on their aluminum Corvette wheels. Total bullshit.
I'd like to side-swipe Nader, except the knock-offs on my Grand Sport don't protrude past the sidewalls of the tires......

I take it you gotta be serious, :surrender::twitch:

45 years ago? I thought Nader should have been shot, ....I was correct....

So what's the guy running in that Corvair? The original six cylinder configuration or a V8 transplant?

Original six. There where three Stingers running this year. One made it the whole weekend. Axle shaft got the other one.