Shakedowns on the BOSS


Clueless In Sandland
Mar 24, 2008
Aussie expat in Saudi Arabia
I took the BOSS for a wheel alignment this morning. The car's not registered at the moment, so I didn't want to venture out at the busiest time. The roads are quiet at 5:30am when I go to work on day shift and slowly builds to a demonic crescendo around 9am, then quietens off again until middayish. I left my place at 9:30 and the roads weren't too bad and apart from the steering being a little eratic (hence the afore mentioned wheel alignment) the BOSS drove well.

While it was on the alignment ramp, I had a look underneath to make sure nothing was leaking or going to fall off. The power steering pump had a slight leak on the return line so I nipped it up. When I started it again, the leak was worse! But, that was the only thing worth noting.

The roads were building to manic again when I left so I was forced to bury the "go" pedal to get out of the alignment place driveway - whoops, much fishtailing and squeeling!

The old girl drives nicely and I like the feel of the Jeep box. It's quite light but still (IMO) has good road feel. The hydroboost is brilliant with ample braking provided by my big toe! While driving, the temps and oil pressure were good. It idles too high but I need to remove the bracket holding the cable in place and elongate the attaching holes as I'm out of travel.

We're playing a gig this weekend and the weekend after my son and I are off to London for a few days so the weekend after that, I'll be driving the BOSS over to our new compound. I'll have an escort but I feel a lot better about it already after this morning's little shakedown. ;)
I'll be driving the BOSS over to our new compound. I'll have an escort but I feel a lot better about it already after this morning's little shakedown. ;)

Why the escort? security that bad there?
No, security's not the issue - it'll be a maintenance escort! In case I need a jump start somewhere etc...

OK! I was thinking what sort of fun it must be to have an armed escort to go take a spin in the Vette.
Nice to see that she is back on the road and running well!

What are the locals' reaction when they see it? I'd bet that there are not too many older vettes on the roads there.
Very cool!! Gotta be a good feeling after all that work! Enjoy it for a bit before you start the next projects!
OK! I was thinking what sort of fun it must be to have an armed escort to go take a spin in the Vette.
The Military guys on the checkpoint at our compound all came out and had a look then suggested I spin the tyres for them :thumbs:

Nice to see that she is back on the road and running well!

What are the locals' reaction when they see it? I'd bet that there are not too many older vettes on the roads there.
We got a few looks but there's two other 81's or 82's that I've seen driving by and the guy who did the wheel alignment told me he had a 76 in there 3 weeks ago! Hehe, he used one of the shims from the 76 in my alignment!

Very cool!! Gotta be a good feeling after all that work! Enjoy it for a bit before you start the next projects!
Well, it's not registered so I can't (well, shouldn't) go cruising around. And besides, there's no weather seals on the doors or T tops so once I hit around 40mph (estimated, as the speedo's decided not to work) it sounds and feels like I'm flying a Spitfire with the canopy slid back! But it certainly was a nice feeling - I'd forgotten how much fun it was to drive...
Congrats man, must be a good feeling to be able to drive it after all that work.
Thanks mate, it certainly was a nice feeling. Until I drove it, I was a bit concerned about the "big" mods I'd done - mainly the hydroboost and Jeep box conversions. Even though you guys have been a HUGE help, and those mods mightn't sound big, it still came down to doing everything on my own without anyone to bounce ideas off or anyone with previous experience to give me hand. Not even a half decent mechanic to talk to. :chinese:

Still a way to go, but I think I'm over the hump and it's on the downhill run now. The light at the end of the tunnel isn't an oncoming train! :clap:
Thanks mate, it certainly was a nice feeling. Until I drove it, I was a bit concerned about the "big" mods I'd done - mainly the hydroboost and Jeep box conversions. Even though you guys have been a HUGE help, and those mods mightn't sound big, it still came down to doing everything on my own without anyone to bounce ideas off or anyone with previous experience to give me hand. Not even a half decent mechanic to talk to. :chinese:

Still a way to go, but I think I'm over the hump and it's on the downhill run now. The light at the end of the tunnel isn't an oncoming train! :clap:

Don't you fix aircraft?? some are a piece of cake....

It's nice to see your hard work is paying off!I bet it feels good to drive it!