C3 birdcage transplant


Apr 17, 2008
The reason for the transplant was horrible rust rockers somewhat gone,pillars bad, lower corners pretty much gone. you get the idea.thum_1554a68ca63ec974.jpgthum_1554a48d4a7d5241.jpgthum_1554a68ca6613528.jpg

the donor
Lord love a duck, you got a project there, like some of us.....

I feel like I got lucky.....so far.....:sweat::chinese:
the donor was cut up the rear post about 9" and cut in the middle of t bar. (would not do that again) thum_1554a68ca6515c09.jpgthum_1554a68cb58a6850.jpg

We then sat back on frame w/bodymounts, set door gaps ,put on all ttop hardware and tops for allignment. welded it upthum_1554a68ca62d1ba9.jpg

not the finished welds but you get the idea
honestly, if it were not for the patience of the people on the forums none of this could ever happen. I am not a mechanic nor have i ever worked on a car before. i just read alot and ask alot of questions. some seem stupid some not so much.
Never worked on a car before......... Gotta learn somewhere I 'spose. You'll feel real good when you're finished :cool:
honestly, if it were not for the patience of the people on the forums none of this could ever happen. I am not a mechanic nor have i ever worked on a car before. i just read alot and ask alot of questions. some seem stupid some not so much.

:lol::lol: Hey Yogi, more balls than the average bear!!!!
