Seat belt grief


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
I was able to get some new aftermarket seat belts for my '79 and I finally got the drivers side installed. They look great but the stop mechanism in the seat belt works TOO good. Each time I try to extend the seat belt it comes out an inch or two then LOCKS. It is very embarassing when trying to look cool in my 'Vette and the seat belt acts up like this. Is there any way to loosen the stop mechanism up a bit? Is there a left side and a right side or are the retractors universal? They both look the same to me.
Ive heard that the way the retractor is mounted can affect the lock sensitivity.
Try mounting the retractor flat if it is mounted on its side, or visa versa.
I have the same problem, im used to it now though, and its kind of nice when you go into a turn or are under braking it holds you in.
C4 seats look great BTW
New aftermarket from MidAmerica ?? I have these and the locking mechanism is a little sensitive, you have to pull the belt slowly.
Make sure the belt does not rub the corner of the opening in the plastic panel - it wears the belt.