Octane Boosters


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2008
Not a Correctly Restored Stingray, TN
It would seem to me that octane boosters would be a worthy topic for discussion, and I'd just like to get the ball rolling by asking what you guys can contribute to our knowledge base on the subject.

Thanks, in advance. :beer:
For me it would not be worth using it. I would always try to build an engine that could run on the fuel that is readily available and tune accordingly
Well, to start with, the off the shelf octane boosters from AZ, AA and other stores are misleading and don't do much. Most show an Octane boost in points...Ie 30 points. What that means is from an Octane of 93 to 93.3 for the recommended mix of gas and booster.

Tulane is used as a boost and from what I heard, can be obtained at harware stores. You can google it and find out how to mix it.

When I needed an octane boost, I just mixed racing gas with regular gas. 10 gallons of 93 plus 10 gallons of 100 give you 20 gallons 96.5.

I will never spend money on over the counter stuff.
I mixed a little nitromethane into my gas, that is, until no.7 piston hit no.7 spark plug at 3500 RPM.

Now I have a new engine that has never seen over 92 octane.:thumbs:
I mixed a little nitromethane into my gas, that is, until no.7 piston hit no.7 spark plug at 3500 RPM.

Where I'm from, we call that a Loud, Expensive Noise

Now I have a new engine that has never seen over 92 octane.:thumbs:

At least you can get 92 octane from the pump- all we have is 91- if it's not raining.
I guess if you have a high dollar race engine with high CR then you better spend the cash to buy the racing fuel... just saw a sign at the gas station near SpeedWorld - $6.99/galllon.... ouch.... I would think you're not using this car for a weekend cruiser....

I bought some "zone" octane booster when they had it on sale for $1.99 ...used it in the DD and didn't notice anything but why would I if the engine is designed for 91oct gas ???

I did pour some Stabil and the rest of that octane booster in the tank of the '79.... might be imagination but the fumes were worse than they usually are in the garage...smelled horrible and eyes were burning..... other than that I didn't notice a difference...
What is it nowadays... $9.50 and climbing? I now pay with plastic @ the gas station, handing over cash is getting to be too much. $150 for a fricken fill up... insanity!!
my .02 cents worth on octane boosters. Send me your $, I'll tell you how great you car will run. Now we are all happy. Don't waste your $.

Higher octane produces a slower burn rate = less detonation. I think... 6 years of engineering school and....well...I can tell you were the best bars are and ain't it great I did'nt build any bridges!

