F1 teams to start own series in 2010


Garage Monkey
Staff member
Mar 5, 2008
Right here
From Autosport:

It's official: F1 is broken. At least, with the FOTA's announcement it will create a rival championship, it appears that F1 as we have known it is all but broken. Max Mosley and the FIA have gone back and forth with the FOTA for months, with neither side able to agree on a compromise and both sides claiming the other party is being intransigent.

After meeting at Renault's Enstone, England headquarters the eight "rebel" teams (Ferrari, McLaren, Toyota, Renault, BMW, Brawn, Red Bull, Toro Rosso) decided there was no way to proceed with the FIA, so it would proceed without the FIA. The crucial bits of their follow-up press release state:

"The teams cannot continue to compromise on the fundamental values of the sport and have declined to alter their original conditional entries to the 2010 World Championship.

"These teams therefore have no alternative other than to commence the preparation for a new Championship which reflects the values of its participants and partners. This series will have transparent governance, one set of regulations, encourage more entrants and listen to the wishes of the fans, including offering lower prices for spectators worldwide, partners and other important stakeholders.

"The major drivers, stars, brands, sponsors, promoters and companies historically associated with the highest level of motorsport will all feature in this new series."

The release goes on to address issues the FOTA has with the "commercial rights holder," by which they mean Bernie Ecclestone. If they mean what they've written, a more stable and less expensive F1 would be a victory for teams and fans. Track owners would probably also profit, since they pay Ecclestone more than ten million pounds simply for the right to hold an F1 race -- and that's part of the money the teams want a bigger share of.

Many observers have said the teams won't set up another championship because they're too focused on selling cars. But the FOTA has already spoken to Carmelo Ezpeleta, whose Dorna Sports company is in charge of Moto GP, and who has experience in taking control of the series from the FIM. If he can provide a turn-key solution, the teams can stick to doing what they do best.

We suspect the FOTA is correct and that brands, sponsors and promoters will follow the breakaway series rather than hang back with Williams, Force India and eight other teams in the F1 reset series. The question is: if those eight teams follow through, and assuming they take their contracted drivers, which series will get your attention next year?
Thanks Bernie and Max. What else do you expect from an old Harry Potter wannabee and a pip pip cheerio British aristocratic make belief Nazi SM Übersturmbahnfuhrer with SS whores who like their asses spanked who both lack dental hygiene!!!!

Those 2 fuckers ruined everything from behind the table.

I hope the new series will be so much better than what those 2 turned F1 into...and Williams..oh please! Huff some more on your oxygen bottle .... wheels!!!
Thanks Bernie and Max. What else do you expect from an old Harry Potter wannabee and a pip pip cheerio British aristocratic make belief Nazi SM Übersturmbahnfuhrer with SS whores who like their asses spanked who both lack dental hygiene!!!!

Those 2 fuckers ruined everything from behind the table.

I hope the new series will be so much better than what those 2 turned F1 into...and Williams..oh please! Huff some more on your oxygen bottle .... wheels!!!

I like your description of Mosely! You forgot to add that he is a functional retard, have you ever seen him speak?

Oh well, F1 has made Bernie an uber rich man. I guess he's happy.
One can only hope that the teams have a strong enough backbone and really start a new series. F1 is the teams and the drivers , big names and history: Ferrari, McLaren, Williams, Fangio, Senna, Schumacher, Hakkinen, Lauda and manay many more.... who is going to remember the names Mosley and Ecclestone in ten years ???

I feel no matter ohow this percedes, there is going to be some big trouble. And of course, we just get a new US team into the mix.

I've been trying to follow this clash, but I feel we are (or at least I am) not getting the full picture. From my understanding this all came from the proposed budget caps, but I feel this has spun off other arguments, such as overhead cost. Or are they simply stating this new series will be cheaper now as a marketing hook? How good of a handle to guys have on this?
F1 wants to cut costs but does stupid shit like the KERS fiasco. How in the world are they going to police the money a team spends?

This might be the beginning of the same split that ruined open wheel in the US but I doubt it. Open Wheel in the US is Indy and that's it. The tracks in Europe will go with the big name drivers and manufacturers. And, the Moto GP guy has already fought this fight (and won).
I've been saying it all along, that KERS is spelled wrong, it should spell CURSE!
Kers should be spelled BS....

Mosley is gone.... big story of F1 2008: he was taped with a few whore dressed like nazi camp officers.... pretty good videos on the net ... just google "Mosley and nazi whores"...... sick bastard....
This is just following the example set by Tony George and the Indycar fiasco. Arrogant egos thinking they are powerful enough to set the stage. Players reject the lines and adlib..

It was the death of American openwheel racing, will Europe follow?
It is very simple.....

Max and Bernie was allways trying to keep the Teams in contrast!

A technical rule specifically designed to be not so clear..... Teams like BrownGP have found a hole in the net..... and FIA sed
"It is OK !!!"
......only hoping in contrast between the Teams!

Who studied the history of Rome knows that the main rule for keeping the Empire alive was:


Nobody knows Latin????????????????
divide and rule or better known as divide and conquer

only prob is, the devide is williams and Force India siding with NaziMax and the rest not....oops!!
The whole deal is preposterous. Limit spending? How many manufacturers are likely to let the Bernie monitor their books? WTF does the FIA know about business anyway.

If they want to cut team spending they need to make it difficult for teams to gain advantage with technology. Well, they have already done that. Braun GP dominates F1 and they are a low budget team.

If they want to "fix" F1, they should do what Shumi suggested years ago. Take the wings off the cars.
I, for one, am for a budget cap. I like the idea of having slighly looser rules for a team with a capped budget and stricter rules for a team with an unlimited budget. I also don't necessarily feel that drivers should be included in the budget cap either way. But as far as the two sets of rules goes, I don't think they should be so different that any slepp team can just waltz in and dominate under the price gap, but allow easier entry into series. Obviously easier said than done and its fine line between easier entry and too easy.

As far as the FIA (read: bernie) proposing a budget cap for teams because F1 is becoming too expensive (look at all of the tracks/locales complain of the capital cost to host a race), maybe they should cap their own overhead cost.
Only one thing....

BrownGP may is TODAY a "small-budget Team"..... but I would like to remember that their car was developped by Honda contemporary in four (yes, 4) wind-tunnels.

Honda was spending an unimmaginable quantity of money in that car and Brown (very smart man) bought the team for....... 1 POUND!!!!!!!! (really!!!!)

The BrownGO team starts with some 1000 people inside.....

Now, of course, they are in a worry, but only for the next championship.

Anyway..... the money problem for the Teams have a very simple solution:

Bernie, please send to the Team the 80% of the money coming from this businnes.... not 40%!!!

This is the solution! ;-)
The problem with the Honda was not so much the car but their crappy engine.

it's quite siple to make it more entertaining, remove all driver aids, including CURSE and bring back the venturi cars, anything to make them less dependable on wings for mechanical grip. That's the main problem, they can't drive in spoiled air. And make the cars wider again, they look like something that came out of a car crusher nowadays, silly narrow ugly as sin cars with a snow plow up front and a handrail on the back.