wet sanding and buffing small areas. What to use?


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
Hi all.

I am painting my '71 with BC\CC. I just shot the indy style fron spoiler and I have a couple of runs in the clear. I also have some small areas in the headlight bezels and side egg crates. All defects are in the clear and not the bas and are between the 2nd and 3rd coats of clear. What tools or how do I buff these areas out? The variable speed buffer is to big and bulky.

Use a razor blade putting a little bend in it and scrape it down flat like a wood plane. Then use 1500,2000 and 3000 wet paper to sand it. Then polish it. Be careful you don't cut to much of the clear just get it flat. Take your time and I'm sure you will be amazed after it's gone. This happens all the time so don't sweat. PS: works great to get suicide bugs out too.

Thanks vette!! I will admit this razor blade thing scares the $!#% out of me.....:twitch:

Once I get the run smooth what device do I use to buff it out. I am going to use the 3M polish and compounds but for the tight areas where a buffer will not go what do I use? someone had mentioned a 90* angle grinder. I do have a pneumatic one of these but where do I get the 2" buffing pads and adapter for this and is this the best tool to use?
