'72 body sanding.....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
well, so it seems I have finally gotten pissed off enough about that lo class ragged out paint job on the '72 vert....and so have gone into sanding and smoothing out the body best I can.....I am using a ran/orbital 5" little Ryobi cheepie sander with some 120 on it, and far as I can tell it's doing fine....I know there are bound to be some spots that are not purfectly smooth, and so I have a square sander what holds 1/2 a sheet of paper for those flat areas, like around my headlights....it has a rubber pad that seems to follow the contours pretty well, as does the Ryobi.....I know enough to keep them constantly moving very fast and watch the handling of the machines, I am NOT going down to the glass, just to take off enough paint that it looks very smooth....

the new color is going to be flat black, maybe a semi gloss, depending on what my vette friend up north says about my body work quality....I am using bondo very sparingly and thinly on front where those headlights were blasted ten years ago, and now getting all patched in hopefully for the last time....

SO, looking for comments and criticisms of the tools and approach....

An old friend wants me to do it to Randy Kraft's standards (another old friend who does fancy car stuff, he even sands steel cars with 600 grit, looks like a Delorean for christsakes),.....and go for the early 70's Caddy Firemist GREEN, the color seen from backside of the moon.....:bonkers:

I dunno, doubtful I can pull off anything that good.....opinions???

Gene, you won't find the imperfection until you prime and block sand with a guild coat. So I would not get too crazy trying to get it flat until then. Just pay attention to the body work you are doing. If u are going to leave the old paint just hit it with 400 to 600 than seal it and prime with high build. Then guild coat it and block it. This will show u the low and high spots that need attention.

Good luck,


Go buy some razor blades & scape the paint off. The more beer you drink, the more fun you have. I have a DA sander if you would like to borrow it. Let me know if you are interested.


Go buy some razor blades & scape the paint off. The more beer you drink, the more fun you have. I have a DA sander if you would like to borrow it. Let me know if you are interested.


Herb, the paint been on there flat for some 25? years now....as I sand I find it goes down to that guild coat looking mild green/gray looking stuff.....then it goes to naked glass....so I just sand to the blue/first color coat if that, and that's in the high spots....I had a old vette friend look at it around noon, he painted maybe 8 of them....so I thinking to just scuff and fill as necessary and make damn sure any paint on there is indeed solid....call it a day....

still thinking of the Firemist GREEN, the temptation is SO great, but I full well know the inevitable MONEY envy will get it vandalized....look at in a lot and think I have too much money to spend and vandalize the car just for doing it...type shit....I dunno, maybe flat black is the best, really...


Flat black is a low maintenance paint. Aren't you a high maintenance kind of guy. Once you get down to the light gray paint, don't go any further. That is most likely the factory primer. If you sand or gouge any places, you can you a filler primer to build the paint back up. If there is a auto paint store around, get a set of DuraBlock flexable sanding blocks to keep things even. I think I just bought the 12 to 15" block. Anyway if you need anything let me know.
This car is into something like it's 3-4?th paint job which is not bad, really, for being a '72 and all.....the paint on there now is a old Ditzler Urethane two stage gungaree blue with crimson so there is NO OEM anything left on it,
in it, or near it...not nuttin'....

Anyway, it seems that thin bondo is not so awful evil on filling in holes...scratches, dings...etc....

I was a very upset guy when sanding on the airbrushed shark on the hood, done some 12 years ago by a guy who is since a friend....but it was just too rough and had to go...so I wonder about redoing it in a ghost gray over that flat black....

but if I go GREEN, well...:bonkers: I dunno, need keep sanding make a final decison when I see what my fatigue and MPPO level is....that stands for...

Marginal Propensity to get PISSED OFF.......it's an old college econ 101 term....that means change in inclination...price point/product type crap about econ and marketing....

which on MY tight budget, :crap::mad:
Have a look at TCPglobal's website and their "restauration shop" basecoats and Kustomshop urethane primers.

I'd say 2611 'british racing green' (scroll down to metallics)


For $260 you get the basecoat and clear incl activator.... add another $80-$100 for primer

Or: buy only the base coat and buy the clear from SPI (southernpolyurethanesinc.com) - I just bought 2 gallons from them (gal $100), will test it this weekend.... their products have received very good feedback

It can be done on a budget !!!!!
Have a look at TCPglobal's website and their "restauration shop" basecoats and Kustomshop urethane primers.

I'd say 2611 'british racing green' (scroll down to metallics)


For $260 you get the basecoat and clear incl activator.... add another $80-$100 for primer

Or: buy only the base coat and buy the clear from SPI (southernpolyurethanesinc.com) - I just bought 2 gallons from them (gal $100), will test it this weekend.... their products have received very good feedback

It can be done on a budget !!!!!

I think I talking myself into going the '70 Caddy Firemist Nottingham GREEN, the one that Neil Armstrong commented about, 'What are all those green dots on the ground?"......:yahoo: then I have to get Mack or Eric to do a shark on the hood again....mandatory....

Metallic green (dark) is going to look a lot better than flat black on your car, I don't think flat black is a good choice for a vert... it looks great on other cars but not on yours ... just my 2c ... opinions are like a-holes, everybody has one....
Metallic green (dark) is going to look a lot better than flat black on your car, I don't think flat black is a good choice for a vert... it looks great on other cars but not on yours ... just my 2c ... opinions are like a-holes, everybody has one....

Yeh, I know but the GREEN I want is NOT dark, it's so freeking GREEN it makes emeralds look pale....BRG is boring, metallic or not....way too dark, maybe well be black for navy blue for all the difference....
