Valley baffle


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2008
Wake Forest, NC
Anybody have one of these? I remember trying to fit one to my small block MoPar years ago, but the springs buckled the middle of the tray from no support; so I scraped it. Does the SBC middle valley area (above the cam) support the middle of this tray?
Never used one, seems like a pretty useless piece to me. If you want to keep the oil from splashing against the intake, why not mount a splash plate on the intake instead. Also not afan of how it's held in place bu those 2 spring steels.
I have a stock pan with a high volume pump (I'm in the process of rebuilding); I'm concerned about the pump starving. Any area that I can improve to get the oil back to the pan I'm game for. It seems like this would contain some oil splash from the cam and lifters.
I have a stock pan with a high volume pump (I'm in the process of rebuilding); I'm concerned about the pump starving. Any area that I can improve to get the oil back to the pan I'm game for. It seems like this would contain some oil splash from the cam and lifters.

Then how about a 7 quart pan? How much did you go over stock? 10% or 25% there's two versions of "high volume".
I have a stock pan with a high volume pump (I'm in the process of rebuilding); I'm concerned about the pump starving. Any area that I can improve to get the oil back to the pan I'm game for. It seems like this would contain some oil splash from the cam and lifters.

Then how about a 7 quart pan? How much did you go over stock? 10% or 25% there's two versions of "high volume".

The pump came as part of a Federal/Mogul engine rebuild kit; it lists as (summit) SLP-224-4143 and doesn't specify 10/25%. As for the 7qt, I don't know if it would offer enough ground clearance and/or clear the steeroids stuff.
Clean up the casting flash in the drainback holes at the front and rear corners of the block and polish the valley. That'll get the oil back to the pan. Some years ago they used to paint the inside of the block with Glyptal- GE electric motor paint. Slick finish. Don't know if anyone is still doing that or not.

I've got a shield on Ol' Red. BB and the flippin' thing is made out of 1/8 plate. Snaps under the heads. You could drop a truck on it and not bend it.

I recall some of those being advertised (earlier life) that they would keep the lifters from coming out in case of a pushrod failure and therby preventing loss of oil pressure.
Anybody have one of these? I remember trying to fit one to my small block MoPar years ago, but the springs buckled the middle of the tray from no support; so I scraped it. Does the SBC middle valley area (above the cam) support the middle of this tray?

I have one. It is designed (stated purpose) to retain a lifter if it attempts to jettison from its bore and also to keep oil splash down. I had it installed in my motor prior to start up and then made the decision to change cylinder heads and camshaft (to retro roller).

Couldn't use it with the roller lifters as they are tie-barred together.

To install it you have to set it in place with the springs running in a linear fashion from front to rear and then rotate the retaining springs under the cylinder head surfaces to maintain the plate in place.

If you need one for a small block I will send it to you for $5.00 plus the cost of freight.

BadBirdCage: PM sent

Clean up the casting flash in the drainback holes at the front and rear corners of the block and polish the valley. That'll get the oil back to the pan. Some years ago they used to paint the inside of the block with Glyptal- GE electric motor paint. Slick finish. Don't know if anyone is still doing that or not.

I've got a shield on Ol' Red. BB and the flippin' thing is made out of 1/8 plate. Snaps under the heads. You could drop a truck on it and not bend it.

I recall some of those being advertised (earlier life) that they would keep the lifters from coming out in case of a pushrod failure and therby preventing loss of oil pressure.

The machinist flashed all the drainback holes; I'm going to order some Glyptal from Eastwoods; and order this kit:

BadBirdCage: PM sent