Gas in the tank


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
I was told I would have to remove all the gas from the tank before I take the body off my 1975 coupe. Is this true? If so, what is the best way to drain the tank? Right now I have a 1/4 of a tank.

I think you have the sender/pickup in the tank bottom near rear pass what you need do is pop the hose off the steel line going forward on pass frame rail....and drain it into a gas can.....

long as your are doing this, curious if you have a bunch of milky looking coffee slop in the bottom of the tank.....

whenyou can't get any more fuel out, you can pop the clip outta the clamp arrangement by rotating it using a hammer and screwdriver and tapping it around until the 3 tabs align and the thing does come outta there, but you gotta to the twist on for the float.....

I did mine a slightly different way for the last gallon or so in the bottom, but you can get a towel in there with a stick and wire to poke it around once you get the filler cap assy off.....

After you drain all you can throught the hose on the bottom, siphon whatever is left. If you don't and remove the sender as as descibed by Gene there will still a couple quarts or so drop on you face [or on your troublelight!] Very dangerous!
I think you have the sender/pickup in the tank bottom near rear pass what you need do is pop the hose off the steel line going forward on pass frame rail....and drain it into a gas can.....

long as your are doing this, curious if you have a bunch of milky looking coffee slop in the bottom of the tank.....

whenyou can't get any more fuel out, you can pop the clip outta the clamp arrangement by rotating it using a hammer and screwdriver and tapping it around until the 3 tabs align and the thing does come outta there, but you gotta to the twist on for the float.....

I did mine a slightly different way for the last gallon or so in the bottom, but you can get a towel in there with a stick and wire to poke it around once you get the filler cap assy off.....


When I drain it from the hose and nothing is left, can't I just start the car for the few qts that are left and let it run dry? i will be rebuilding the engine anyway so I am not worry if it suck up some crap.
I think you have the sender/pickup in the tank bottom near rear pass what you need do is pop the hose off the steel line going forward on pass frame rail....and drain it into a gas can.....

long as your are doing this, curious if you have a bunch of milky looking coffee slop in the bottom of the tank.....

whenyou can't get any more fuel out, you can pop the clip outta the clamp arrangement by rotating it using a hammer and screwdriver and tapping it around until the 3 tabs align and the thing does come outta there, but you gotta to the twist on for the float.....

I did mine a slightly different way for the last gallon or so in the bottom, but you can get a towel in there with a stick and wire to poke it around once you get the filler cap assy off.....


When I drain it from the hose and nothing is left, can't I just start the car for the few qts that are left and let it run dry? i will be rebuilding the engine anyway so I am not worry if it suck up some crap.

NO, doubt it, there is not much enough to worry over in tank bottom after it quits draining....I suppose it matters a goodly bit the car be level...thing is that first filter/sock on the pickup tube is about a inch in diameter so it is pretty lo and setting on the tank bottom pinned pretty close...but there is bound to be a bit still in there.....don't worry about it, not a issue....just stinks like hell....wife hates the smells, headaches, to when I do this, she needs be outta the house for a good while....
this on a goodly breeze day too, get the damn fumes outta here....

You don't have to take any of the gas out, but it is always the safest way.
FYI, the tank has a bladder in it and a large metal cover over the complete tank that stays with the frame. You will only need to disconnect the wiring harness to the tank on the rear drivers side high on the tank and the vapor cannister hose by the drivers side gill.

Easiest is to take the rubber hose off the pump supply line (3/8") on the passenger side top of frame rail at the front of car by the mech fuel pump.
Push a 4 ft length of 3/8 hose (any type) onto the steel line on the frame rail.
Start syphon action and aim into gas can(s).
You will empty the tank out just as if you ran dry driving.
Have all this stuff ready before you start, once the gas starts, it keeps coming.

Here is a pic

You don't have to take any of the gas out, but it is always the safest way.
FYI, the tank has a bladder in it and a large metal cover over the complete tank that stays with the frame. You will only need to disconnect the wiring harness to the tank on the rear drivers side high on the tank and the vapor cannister hose by the drivers side gill.

Easiest is to take the rubber hose off the pump supply line (3/8") on the passenger side top of frame rail at the front of car by the mech fuel pump.
Push a 4 ft length of 3/8 hose (any type) onto the steel line on the frame rail.
Start syphon action and aim into gas can(s).
You will empty the tank out just as if you ran dry driving.
Have all this stuff ready before you start, once the gas starts, it keeps coming.

Here is a pic


What year is that tank?? I thought the bladders came with '78 and the fastback versions....I know the tanks don't they changed tank styles between my '72 and 77?? didn't know sending unit there too boot....and it would fit my '72, ....hummmm.....if I ever need a new tank, this one WAS new when I got the car...., I maybe get one of the later the size any larger??

Out of a 75 with bladder.
I think 20 gallons.

HUmm..mine is a measured and confirmed 18 gallons, and to boot you don't have that silly float ball going to the evap canister....

like that up top better anyway, and I almost has to fit my car, being as the rear decks were the same, and it makes life easier to work on with all the bolts on top like that.....:crap: just got my locking cap from Ecklers....
