Happy New Year

Same to you Marck and tell Xander Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to All!

GMT -5:00....Happy New Year to everyone GMT -4:00 and less!!:hi:
May this year be better than the last. It's hard see where it could get much worse for most of us.

Happy New Years!
May this year be better than the last. It's hard see where it could get much worse for most of us.

Happy New Years!

Yes I agree,,
had some crackerhead run a red light yesterday in a ton truck, went right over the top of my mini coopers hood. Glad he did hit me in my door.. guess I was lucky. Just had dropped my son off for drivers education. They came driving by in the DE car right after it happen..the teacher said, isnt that your father?

Happy New Year,, I'm not going to look back,, at 08,, for sure!!!