Cleaning a Vortec IAC


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
My idle has been "hunting" on my '03 Silverado. Somebody suggested I clean the IAC. Ahh, how you do that?
On a old car, the IAC just unscrews from the Tbody,....I think the new ones have a couple bolts and a O ringy doo on there....

so to get it off there and clean the passages....they filthy up a bit....blast it out with the air jet...and then clean the motor's basically conical shaped on all the ones I seen....and then take a dash of carb cleaner down the shaft and jiggle it around a bit....don't try to move/rotate the shaft, they are on their own schedule.....blast it out with the air jet and then put a dash of silocone lube on the shaft or maybe some graphite.....

try that, seems to work for me for many months/years at a time....
