Interior door panel/skin


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Oak Ridge, NC
Anyone ever try just replacing the interior door skin rather than the whole panel? The skin is about 1/3 the price.

How is the metal trim attached to the skin? Is it glued on or fastened from behind?

Do you think a heat gun would loosen the old, dried out backing glue?
I have NEVER seen or heard of someone doing that without major hassles and some considerable experience.....there was a company years ago....

out in California....called Just Dashes....they redid the '70 Lemans/GTO dash, that was just as complicated as one of our door panels, moreso actually....

I think you are far better off just buying new ones....Just Dashes was the last resort for otherwise totally NLA parts....this was back around 20 years ago....

I dunno they around or not these the EPA found out about them and went berserk....

maybe they make new ones in China now.....I dunno...

Did some searching at one of the other forums...many people have tried, but it seems like no one was very successful in just replacing the skins.

Think I'll go for the basic panel and transfer my trim.
Yeh, that's what I did when I got this car some 15 years ago....

no choice at the time they were totally destroyed....

now over the years I have found the first place to go is the arm rest to cover it with vinyl wrapped wood, maybe and fasten it on there, is the only other solution I have far I"m still fine with the door panels...
