How do you remove this trim?

Be carefull if you remove the screws that hold the corner moulding. I cracked my windshield getting them out. The windshield was only 228.00, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Get some SEM Trim Black to repaint your window trim. Be carefull with the pieces on the sides, they are not available any longer.

Looks like you have been busy.
:twitch: Your window cracked! Holy crap. No I'm not going to rattle can the trim, it will look like faded spray paint in another 4 years if I do that. I'm going to shoot them with HOK black and clear.

And yes I have been busy. That pic is a few months old, here's a more recent pic.

Yep. Them moldings are spendy. I think Doc gets $600 for the rear window trim NOS GM, and about the same in front. The Rt front vert trim is discontinued.:ill:
OMFG that looks sooo fuckin clean.... damn... still gotta do my front bumper...

how hard is i to glass in a bumper? ive never worked with glass before, but i want to... any advice?
None of this stuff is hard, just takes time and patience. But I didn't use glass to mold in the bumper, just to modify it. To mold it in I used adhesive, then grinded a groove over the seam, then filled it with Fibertech. GOOD STUFF, $60 a can. If you want to modify a 74 bumper like I did, practice laying some glass first. You'll find that you want to use MEKP sparingly. And it'll be good to get a feel for how fast this stuff gels, and how to paint it over the matte without dragging the matte all over the place. It's kind of fun after you get used to it. Also, have some spare cheap paint brushes on hand, you can only clean them off once or twice with lacquer thinner before they become gelled up and useless.

Also, the trick for preventing cracks from showing up, don't let ANY part of the seam show. Sand and grind the body down so that you can spread the reinforced filler wide. See:


You can see one spot near the headlight where I layered it, a few times actually. I kept burning through the Fibertech down to the body, and kept reapplying and feathering out till I covered ALL of the seam.
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Be carefull if you remove the screws that hold the corner moulding. I cracked my windshield getting them out. The windshield was only 228.00, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Get some SEM Trim Black to repaint your window trim. Be carefull with the pieces on the sides, they are not available any longer.

Looks like you have been busy.

Cracked mine too and still haven't replaced it. Those screws will fool you into thinking they will come out with the windshield in place because you can plainly see them. Problem is they are at an angle and the screw driver will contact the corner of the glass and any pressure at all will send a crack down the glass. If the screws wont come loose very very easily, don't push it. You will be money ahead to just remove the windshield first.