Shark on the hood....pix here should be posted....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
I have that shark on the hood, some of you all maybe seen it....

question is.....IF I paint the car a vibrant GREEN metallic, that burgundy shark has to go, IF I paint it flat black, that shark CAN stay....with the apron of the hood painted and just the bubble left alone....

so some ways to do this....

estimated materials to be about 350-500 bux, depending on clear coat quality....I hate the thought of clear coats, and would rather paint it a one steop flat black and get OVER with it, instead of shooting some black then adding flattener to clear, that will not be the same if I ever have damage, I be in shit's creek....

so what to do???
No doubt here: dark green metallic is the way to go..... buy some fresh and shiny chrome bumpers ... say goodbye to the shark..... maybe add a L88 hood and hang the old hood on the garage wall..... :1st:
$350-500!? Did you include the primer, surfacer, catalysts and reducers?
I think this is about what I paid three years ago for PPG shopline ....just off my memory:
$160 for a gallon primer incl hardener
$180 for a gallon basecoat. (metallic)
$150 for a gallon clear inc activator
$50 for reducer

$500-$550 is reasonable....

Laquer thinner , sanding blocks and sandpaper are not cheap either.....

On the '72 I'd go down to the original primer, remove even most of that, just be careful not to damage the fiberglass too much.... and spray epoxy to seal all the remaining primer and then start with high build primer over epoxy.

A gallon epoxy is "only" $120 shipped from TCPglobal and their stuff seems to be pretty good.
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$350-500!? Did you include the primer, surfacer, catalysts and reducers?

That seems pretty cheap there Gene,you better do some re figuring, i have over $500 in supplies so far and i know i still need to buy the base coat and clear coat and then there are those things you forget about,screw up's that have to be fixed.