Paint guns


Heart Attack
Mar 24, 2008
There is this one piece unit that uses a turbine instead of a compressor to make air pressure and it comes with a gun,Eastwood has them they are not too terribly expensive. Do any of you guys know anything about them?? are they good to use,or are they junk. Of course when you goggle it all you find is the good about them,a MED size one will cost me about $400 bucks at eastwoods if i buy while it is still on sale.
You need to talk to SMYDA and Big_G. I have a standard old Snap-On branded DeVillbis gun at the house that I've used with great results. Big $$ when I got it, but that was way before HVLP was ever thought of.
You need to talk to SMYDA and Big_G. I have a standard old Snap-On branded DeVillbis gun at the house that I've used with great results. Big $$ when I got it, but that was way before HVLP was ever thought of.

Yeah i never see them on here much anymore :search:
Personally, I'd steer clear of something like that. I owned a similar one years ago and did a couple of cars with it. They turned out ok but very "orange peely". I was using acrylic laquer so I had to cut and polish anyway but still not as good a job as a compressor and spray gun.

I bought (and still have it) an Iawata (sp?) gun for top coats and some cheap arse thing for primer and filler and I ran them with a 15 cubic foot compressor (you don't need a compressor that size for painting but I was using it for air tools too) and got a far better job all round - no comparison really.

That's just my opinion though Kev and I haven't been anywhere near auto body work for 10 years now. Maybe those self contained spraying units have come on lots?? Like Tim said, run it past SMYDA or Big_G...

Can't comment on that set up.............
Never seen one before now.
Go to TCPglobal and see if they still have the Finishline III HVLP set (with three nozzles) on sale....

Buy a separate HarborFreight CHEAP primer gun with a 2mm nozzle.... primer is a mess.....
My .02 cents worth. If your gonna spend hundreds of hours preping and sanding your car, over a thousand dollars on primer, paint, clear. DO NOT USE a $59 paint gun. Yes it works, but...........

There are two guns to use. The cheap one is a SATA Jet 3000, runs about $500, the other is the Iwata line, high dollar stuff, I use their airbrushes. My paint jobs with my SATA gun require little if no wet sanding.


I purchased the Develbiss DR D spray gun,anybody have one of these,it looks like a very nice gun and i have used it already and i thought it worked great but im no expert on these things either.
A $500 gun is only as good as the person using it.... just my 2c.... I believe that a professional painter can achieve better results with a $49 HomeDepot gun than a noob with a $500 gun.

I know nothing about the Dr D gun, I bought the Finishline3 HVLP with three nozzles. It was on sale as a kit with regulator and hose for $299 (in 2005).
I got it at Eastwoods on sale for $200. it has a regulator on it and it was recommended for shooting base and clear coats and some other types of paints,I have another gun for shooting sealer and primer,and an El Cheapo from Home Depot for shooting POR 15.
Showtime 90 HVLP Turbine Unit with Showtime Paint Spray Gun from TP tools

I have been painting for for 26 years (Now retired) i have this unit at home as well as standard guns. this system goes on well - less overspray - and with the air being warmed it dries quicker and will help eliminate dust and mosture problems. but it is a little costly for a one time paint.

TP Tools Knows HVLP!
Over 14 years experience with HVLP equipment!

Our Showtime 90 turbine unit does not require an air compressor to operate, yet it produces 60 cfm at only 5 psi to provide low overspray - 80% less than conventonal guns. Tested and proven the world over and made in the USA since 1993! Expect trophy-winning results ... right in your home garage or shop! Whether you're painting single or multiple colors or pearls, this unit will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. The system pays for itself in no time! Made in USA.

Easy to use: Plug Showtime 90 Turbine Power Unit into 115 volt outlet, add paint to HVLP Gun, and start spraying! The Turbine Power Unit delivers an instant 60 cfm of air (high volume) at only 5 psi (low pressure). The high-volume air moves the paint, and the low pressure reduces overspray up to 80%. Paint goes on smoothly with less mist and 30-50% paint savings. Also, the turbine warms the air so moisture is eliminated. Always dry, oil-free air to the paint gun. Warm air also helps paint dry faster, so runs and sags are eliminated!

2-Yr Warranty, 30-Day Shop Trial!

Available Two Ways

Model TP-90GF - includes Showtime 90 Turbine Power Unit with 38 ft hose, and Original Showtime 20 oz Gravity-Fed Finish Gun.

Model TP-90GFX - includes Showtime 90 Turbine Power Unit with 38 ft hose, Original Showtime 20 oz Gravity-Fed Finish Gun, and TP ProLine 1 qt Primer Gun.
I actually have one of those turbine units now to try out,i will let you all know how it goes and this will be the opinion of rookie who is learning how as he goes.

So far what i do like about it is that i do not have to worry about moisture and pressure settings.