Chainsaw guys. How do I cut up the rest of this tree?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2008
Hurricane Ike's winds came thru last almost two weeks ago. I have most of the tree cut up. The part remaining is the lower branch. The stump is actually pushing the limb solidly into the ground. The top branches & trunk are already removed.

Is there a safe way to cut this up without getting my saw jammed in the cut?

I'm not sure I have a clear picture of what you're asking Len. I would start by cutting the stump with the root clod off. Cut from the top as close to the ground as you can get to minimize how much protrudes. Saves you from stump grinding.

Keep the dogs (and kids) away from the roots. When it goes, it will do so with vigour!

Also, be VERY careful about which way the ramaining tree will roll when separated from the stump. Be on the other side.

Once this strain is off, you should be able to cut up the remains without too much trouble. If I have your question totally wrong, please clarify.
I don't have a clear picture of what you're asking either but we've successfully used a few car jacks to support the tree and keep it from rolling after or during the cut.... that was 2004, hurricane Charley..... we cut quiet a few trees back then...
So the lower branch is all that remains? I had this happen with a couple of large pine trees where the root ball/tree was positioned similar to yours. I wedged a piece of cut wood under the tree about 1/4 to 1/2 of the way down from the top. This lifted it enough so that I could cut the top portion off without the blade getting stuck in the cut. After the first cut, I moved the wedge back towards the trunk and did it again.

It wasn't easy getting the tree up high enough for the wedge. I used a 2x4 and another cut thick branch as a lever to lift up the front of the tree.

BTW, I am not a pro at this, but I did sleep at a Holiday INN Express last week.:D
Do you know somebody with a tractor that has a loader on it? if so just pick it up and start cutting. other than that dig under the branch with a shovel,just enough to get the chain bar under it and cut up from the bottom. They do make plastic wedges at least Stihl does that you can put in the cut to keep the tree from wedging the bar in when the cut collapses,if you do any of these start in the middle of the branch to get some weight off then you can just cut away on the one on the ground and the root ball should support the other half where you can finish it off.