Gas Lines??????


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Oak Ridge, NC
Didn't think I'd see this around here.

Gas lines 20/30 cars deep here in Greensboro, NC.

Gas stations rationing.

Prices jumped .25 overnight!

Panic due to IKE!

Good thing I filled my tank B4 I got home last night:flash::flash:
Funny, no one seems to care around here.....they must have seen one car waiting, and a cheep enough price, everyone got in line like good little sheeple....


I remember the 79-80 'crunch'.....when Carter lost IRAN, and so I mounted an extra 26 gallons under a chebby van we of 50 gallons....for a vacation we had planned.....but it had other uses also...we used it for a milk truck for the econobox, so therefore I waited only 3-4 times in line that whole damn years worth.....

Yup, anybody who believes anything FAUX News says ( or I guess I should say the type of people who believe in FAUX News) deserve to wait hours in line to pay $5/ gallon for gas.

Willingly letting themselves be led to the slaughterhouse.
It's so much easier to be told what to think than to have to go to all the trouble of thinking for oneself.
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It's so much easier to be told what to think than to have to go to all the trouble of thinking for oneself.

Maybe. But that IS the preference of the government. They really want everyone to not think for themselves. Makes their job easier.
I heard of $7 gas in some areas. It's gone below $3.50 finally here and diesel is down to ~ $3.75. I heard that they are stating that they will prosecute the gougers in TX.
There's no gas lines here in Ga., there no more gas left to buy.:lol::lol: I saw 4.99 a gallon yesterday.
When Ike was 1st reported to hit S Florida dead on as a Cat 5 a week ago last Wednesday, my wife made me go out and get 100 gallons. People thought I was jumping the gun. Got it for 3.65 then and glad I did.
Kinda strange that prices in the US are going up, since the dollar is getting stronger.

Right now it is supply and demand....I just got back from the store. Stopped at the gas station to fill up the son's car. They were out of super and premium. They only had regular.

I guess there's plenty of oil. But I think the refineries in Texas are shut down do to the hurricane.