I'm Embarrassed to Know this Guy!!!


Compulsively Anal
Mar 23, 2008
Lee's Summit MO
I took this picture in the Parking Garage at my office today.

I saw the guy get out of the truck and I was so amazed by this that I told him... "You live like a pig!"... (I've known him for over 20 years so he thought I was joking!!!)... I WASN'T! :sick:

Man... that is disgusting! I don't even want to know WHAT'S UNDER THE SEATS!!!! hahaha! :shocking:

I have a buddy that keeps his cars like that,open up the door's and trash would fall out onto the ground,absolutely disgusting :suicide:

On a brighter note,Hey Bill! painted my trim and rocker panels back black :cool: was not sure if i would like it around the window's but it looks outstanding :trumpet:
On a brighter note,Hey Bill! painted my trim and rocker panels back black :cool: was not sure if i would like it around the window's but it looks outstanding :trumpet:

EXCELLENT! Can't wait to see it! (but not this weekend!!! :clobbered: Haha... ) [/rain]
OK i will post a pic. First thing in the morning :skeptic:

Camera needs new bat's i will get some tomorrow :bounce:

My rain gauge only goes to 6",and when i woke up it was overflowing,and it's still raining.
Must be his wife's car:goodevil:

Haha.... yeah, I have detailed some pretty trashed Suburbans and Mini-vans... lots of old fries, Taco Bell wrappers, coffee stains, etc.

A lady told me one time that she couldn't figure out what the smell was coming from the "bowels" of her car...

One of her kids had shoved a half-eaten hamburger under the passenger seat... GROSS! [time for HAZ-MAT suit...]