100 top UGLIEST cars of all time

Wonderful list of ugliness... I can't believe this "thing" didn't make the list...

Looks like a FRIGGIN' SNOWPLOW!:bonkers:


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I made it through the 100 with only 1 hit. I had a '68 bug for a short period of time as a kid. Couldn't stand driving it in the cold (and humid) Northern Ohio winters.
I have to say that there is few cars that shouldn't have been there and few cars that have been forgotten from the list. But that's just my 2 cents...

I think this should have been there pretty high on the list:
I loaned the image from Wikipedia, hopefully it will be visible...
At least the Fiat "chucked in a few curved balls" to its wheels on a box. The Scion didn't even do that.


Reminds me of a short story...

I was on I40 one trip..traffic not too heavy....an exotic car hauler in front of me drastically swerved from lane to lane to avoid hitting a crate that flew off of a pickup truck in front of him.

All traffic slammed on the brakes...not really going too fast, maybe 65mph. Anyway, I hit my brakes with all the others. A small pickup truck slammed into me and a brand new Scion slammed into him. All in all, about 20 or so vehicles involved. No one injured seriously.

Results of the my crash....My Ford expedition had a small scratch in the plastic bumper. The small pickup was bent in the middle from hitting me and the Scion hitting him..totalled...the Scion was crushed all the way to the firewall...totalled. Turns out that the pickup hit me square on the trailer hitch:1st:

Fords take a lot of bashing, but after 120k miles, my 2003 Expedition has been the most trouble free car I have EVER owned....and it is built like a tank too boot.