Outa here...

Damnit man...... I would like to visit Scotland too.... make sure you post a few pics... have a good time and say hello to Nessie.... :nuts:
Spent a couple of days in Glasgow just wandering around and letting boss lady do some shopping. We're at the inlaws place now but off to Edinburgh on Monday for the Military Tattoo.

I've taken some pics and will take plenty more but I won't post them until I get back to Stupidsville (Saudi). My mum's here with us and yesterday we took her to the Electric Brae. It's a road that has an optical illusion that makes you think you're going uphill when in fact you're going downhill and vice versa. Really weird sensation sitting there with the car in neutral and rolling uphill! I took some pics of that but not sure how they'll come out.

Bloody nice to be out of Saudi without any of the stress and upset of my previous two forays out of there... :thumbs:
So Wayne did they make you wear one of those funny looking dresses?

Or make you blow some old bags pipes.

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So Wayne did they make you wear one of those funny looking dresses?

Or make you blow some old bags pipes.
If by "funny looking dresses" you mean a kilt, then no, nobody makes me wear one. I am actually entitled to wear a kilt and do have one in my own family tartan but I didn't bring it with me. They're quite heavy in your luggage and I generally only wear mine to formal occasions, not to a tourist attraction.

Although nobody makes me "blow" bagpipes, I do own a set and can play them to a certain degree :thumbs:
So Wayne did they make you wear one of those funny looking dresses?

Or make you blow some old bags pipes.
If by "funny looking dresses" you mean a kilt, then no, nobody makes me wear one. I am actually entitled to wear a kilt and do have one in my own family tartan but I didn't bring it with me. They're quite heavy in your luggage and I generally only wear mine to formal occasions, not to a tourist attraction.

Although nobody makes me "blow" bagpipes, I do own a set and can play them to a certain degree :thumbs:

Wayne I was only pulling your leg, not really expecting a reply. But now that you have, I thought you were an Ozzie not a Scott? BTW my grand mother was a McGregor clan, but I cant' speak the language.:beer:
Wayne I was only pulling your leg, not really expecting a reply. But now that you have, I thought you were an Ozzie not a Scott? BTW my grand mother was a McGregor clan, but I cant' speak the language.:beer:
I am an Aussie Dean, but my family tree goes back to the second fleet of convicts sent to Australia. My lot go back to Renfrewshire just outside Glasgow, hence the family tartan.

I couldn't speak the lingo when I first started coming here but after meeting Christine and hanging out with her and her friends and family, I'm pretty good at the Jock speak now :thumbs:
Wayne I was only pulling your leg, not really expecting a reply. But now that you have, I thought you were an Ozzie not a Scott? BTW my grand mother was a McGregor clan, but I cant' speak the language.:beer:
I am an Aussie Dean, but my family tree goes back to the second fleet of convicts sent to Australia. My lot go back to Renfrewshire just outside Glasgow, hence the family tartan.

I couldn't speak the lingo when I first started coming here but after meeting Christine and hanging out with her and her friends and family, I'm pretty good at the Jock speak now :thumbs:

So how is the beer over there?
Wayne I was only pulling your leg, not really expecting a reply. But now that you have, I thought you were an Ozzie not a Scott? BTW my grand mother was a McGregor clan, but I cant' speak the language.:beer:
I am an Aussie Dean, but my family tree goes back to the second fleet of convicts sent to Australia. My lot go back to Renfrewshire just outside Glasgow, hence the family tartan.

I couldn't speak the lingo when I first started coming here but after meeting Christine and hanging out with her and her friends and family, I'm pretty good at the Jock speak now :thumbs:

So how is the beer over there?

I bet it's DRY, very DRY.....:bomb::bomb::stirpot::sos:
Well that was a nice couple of weeks but all good things come to an end - I'm back off to the land-of-sand tomorrow. If you're all good, I might just post some holiday happy snaps :beer:

Talk to ya's in a few days...