fugliest Corvette of all time

It was made to take to car shows, dazzle others and take home the prize. When we first saw this car three years ago at an East Coast car show, we wanted it on the spot but the owner was not interested in selling. Since then we were relentless in our pursuit to acquire this car. Featured in Hemmings magazine; it is certainly a head turner.

They had to relentlessly pursue the owner to acquire this car? Hemmings magazine? Maybe the for sale section.
Not my cup of tea ... nice instruments though...

Look at the pics that show the frame, lots of nasty undercoating and red overspray.... one would think that a car that was built for shows had a frame off and the frame was cleaned/painted....

Definitely ugly…fugliest corvette of all time…no

Corvette summer C-3 or that C-4 with all the shit glued to the outside. Probably even some uglier ones than that around, people do some nasty things with vettes.
Definitely ugly…fugliest corvette of all time…no

Corvette summer C-3 or that C-4 with all the shit glued to the outside. Probably even some uglier ones than that around, people do some nasty things with vettes.

Gonna need pix for a side by side comparo.

:idea:Maybe we should start a fugly Corvette contest? The person who submits the fugliest Corvette pix, get's the car!
Definitely ugly…fugliest corvette of all time…no

Corvette summer C-3 or that C-4 with all the shit glued to the outside. Probably even some uglier ones than that around, people do some nasty things with vettes.

I WISH I had pix from some 16+ years ago, this 84-5-6 shows up at Carlisle show, I forget wether it was the VETTE show, or just a SSF event....

but the freeking car was painted this FUGLY AS HELL HOT PINT METALFLAKE with silver AND gold flakes very prominent on it, something about pussy cat faces too....

I was standing there with my arms folded on the return pass by just looking it and thinking 'WHAT AN ASSHOLE'.....looked like something Patrick/DC maybe do....anyway, this guy comes up to me and asks what I thought of it.....and said something like 'there is NO accounting for taste'....or words even MORE critical than that.....the guy went ballistic on me....he was the owner......

teehee......can't stand the heat, don't fucking ASK.....jerk.....

You guys are all WRONG. If it wasn't for the '59 Caddy taillights, THEN it would be fugly.

There's nothing on that car that a sawzall and some new fiberglass won't fix.
You guys are all WRONG. If it wasn't for the '59 Caddy taillights, THEN it would be fugly.

There's nothing on that car that a sawzall and some new fiberglass won't fix.

I DO have to admit, that were the ONLY saving grace that car had....

Got lost in the family cleanout/move from mom/dad's last house, but there WAS a poloroid shot of Dad's '59 Fleetwood 75 with the garage door unable to close on the car....so dad would lovingly set the door on top of the fins, and leave it looking like a cat looking out from under a door/plank....etc.....

and Yes, some friends have used them for various car light accents over the decades....

I've seen worse!(But then again,I drive one that is worse in some eye's!);)
It's not my style,but someone liked it.