I am retiring


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
I have decided to step down as modertor. It was my choice, and solely my choice. I don't believe I am cut from the correct cloth. Please carry on, as there is something special here.:friends:
Hate to see that..............I thought you were doing a fine job. :drink:
Jeff is easily one of the brightest and most intelligent, most easy-going and easy to get along with people that I have ever met. I know from talking with him and visiting him at home over the last few months that he was highly committed to making the most of this forum and that he put many hours into trying to making it a success. This forum and the people he met through it was something that he enjoyed so it is hard to understand what could have turned him off.
Jeff...I sincerely hope you re-think your decision...tough sometimes being a moderator,but there are times when feathers get ruffled....short term issue in my mind...
Anyway,here is a video clip from one of our first events,of which you were a major contributer....

I'm sorry to hear this. I have no idea what made you do this decision, but I know being a moderator is not easy always. But sometimes it's nice! I would have been nice to have you here as a mod! :drink: