Euro 2008


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
Wednesday in the semi-finale we're going to sent the Turks home ... The Netherlands are going to beat Italy, then we beat the snot out of the Dutch in the final...... best European Cup in a long time..... :D
I bet Marck replies to this thread within the next 12 hrs..... :lol::lol:
i've never watched more than 2 minutes of a soccer game. Its just horribly boring. All the uppie's minivan people kids play it here.
I've been following it.

TV, my middle son has been playing the game since he was 5...he's 16 now. I thought the sport absolutely sucked back then, but I've grown to love it. Bad thing is I have to travel all over the place for games/tournaments. I bring the Ford Exp...hate friggin minivans!
It's simply appauling how the Germans will reach the finals yet again. Piss poor soccer, lucky matches and such. The Dutch, we had to beat the reigning world champion and the runner up (italy and france) in our group. Did so with big numbers, 9 points in 3 games, all wins no losses.

The Germans on the other hand struggled to get a 1-0 lucky victory over the Austrians who had never seen a soccer ball before the whole tournament. The Group with the Germans consisted of Germany of course, Austria, Croatia and Poland. That's not even a tenth of the class of France & Italy. So basically the Germans were in the kiddie group, struggled to get through and now this. Their path to the finals was already plotted out before the whole damn soccer championships began.

Then Germany lucks out even more because the Turks lucked out against Croatia but played 90 + 30 minutes extra time so they will be tired (and they can't play worth a shit)

Either Holland goes out against Italy in the half finals (I hate the system, we'll have to beat Italy AGAIN, why didn't they mix things up so ther Germans would have to go against Italy?? Noooo, they only had 1 sort of formidable opponent, Portugal ...but they played like they had a stiff up their ass) or we'll loose the finals. It's always the same, we play the best football but the Germans win. They'll make a schwalbe (literally a swallow, dive to the ground like you've just been shot down) to get a foul and a free kick.

Time to put on my orange helmet again!

"Wir Können nicht Fussballen aber trotz stehen wir im Finale" - Der Deutsche Mannschaft

The defenition of a soccer championship is that a bunch of teams compete and in the end the Germans win. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

If that happens I'll have to ban Karsten because it would eb too much to bear reading about it and hearing him laugh all the way from over the pond.

As for Turks, those MOFOs cost me my nights sleep. honking their damn horns all night.

BTW, UEFA rules state 90 minutes (+ additional) + 2*15 minutes extra time. There's no additional time in the extra time. Where did that idiot referee come up with 1 min additional time (which @ the time of the goal had elapsed by 5 secs)
In the US something like that wouldn't fly, but here some ego tripping referee has to determine the outcome of a game yet again.
Wednesday in the semi-finale we're going to sent the Turks home ... The Netherlands are going to beat Italy, then we beat the snot out of the Dutch in the final...... best European Cup in a long time..... :D
I bet Marck replies to this thread within the next 12 hrs..... :lol::lol:

So who gets to go against Germany(assuming they beat Turkey)....Russia, Italy or Spain?
What a disgusting game, the dutch didn't even attempt to play...they were wiped off the field. A deserved win for the russians.

I knew it was going to happen with all the drama surrounding Bhoularouz's newborn dying and all having mourning bands, with that much crap surrounding it it's inevitable it was going to happen.
Ít was Portugal-Germany all over. No depth in the play, nothing over the sides, everything through the center, fumbling with the ball... terrible!

All my orange shit is in the dumpster again!
I'm hoping for spain also, but it will be Germany or italy, because the best never win!
My wife & I were in Salamanca, Spain on the evening of the Cup game. It was great: we stood in the Plaza Mayor with thousands of others watching on a giant screen TV, drinking beer & cheering. It was as close to being at the game itself as you could get, and the energy was great. The whole city was excited & alive with revelers. Needless to say, the city erupted when Spain won, and little sleep was to be had that night, even after the cops started shutting down all the main boulevards.
My wife & I were in Salamanca, Spain on the evening of the Cup game. It was great: we stood in the Plaza Mayor with thousands of others watching on a giant screen TV, drinking beer & cheering. It was as close to being at the game itself as you could get, and the energy was great. The whole city was excited & alive with revelers. Needless to say, the city erupted when Spain won, and little sleep was to be had that night, even after the cops started shutting down all the main boulevards.

That's what football (some call it soccer) is all about :thumbs:

The US team is doing pretty good at the moment, they tied against Argentina a few weeks ago (0:0) and beat Barbados 8:0 :twitch:

The next world cup is in 2 years: summer 2010
I've heard a rumor that South Africa might not be up to safety and security standards.... they're considering having the cup in germany again because it was such a success in 2006.